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Suzi - I was going to send this to you in a PM but I don't know how. I wouldlike to apologise if I have offended you in any way I can assure that was never my intention - all I was trying to do was make a point thatI believe we are very lucky in this country to have the services available to us that we do. If this means I am disrespecting your situation by saying so then I apologise. I am not the heartless piece of c*ap that people on here are trying to make me out to be - I just have an opinion that I was trying to express and I thoroughly believe that had it not been for certain people on here we could have had a good healthy converstaion about this topic. So once again i would like to apologise and hope everything goes well for you in the future.
Thank you, that is most appreciated and really not neccessary.

For me, there is a wide differnce between being thankful and being lucky.  Yes, I am thankful that I live in a country where I do get excellent medical treatment.  However, I do not consider myself "lucky".  The disease that I have (Goodpasture's) affects one in a million.  Frankly, if I were "lucky" I would have won the lottery instead!
Flippin eck Suzi! you are one brave woman! All the more power to you and your hubby
Thank you, but I'm not.  Brave are the men and women who go off to fight in wars, brave are the men and women who dies so that I can live free.  Brave anre the men and women who kept the home fires burning.  I just do what I have to do to stay alive - just like everyone else.
Anyway I'm off now - dunno whether I will bother posting in this forum again - the way I feel right now probably won't be - would just like to say well done to the usual bunch you have got rid of another one who you have decided you don't like - go and gives yourselves a good old pat on the back!!
So I may speak to some of you again soon - could be back tomorrow, next week or in ten years time (if the forum is still going) who knows - certainly not me as I change my mind more often than I change my underwear.
I hope you don't decide to leave, PP.  I admit, I get just as frustrated as many others, but the whole point of a forum is for everyone to leave comments about their views.  Sometimes people agree, sometimes they don't *shrugs* that's how life is.  My cats think they should have roast chicken everyday,  I don't.  Until they get a job and start providing their own chickens for me to roast, they will get the leftovers.

It meant a lot to me that you apologised because it meant, to me, that even though you stand by your convictictions, you realise that others have a totally different view - based on what they have experienced and been through.

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