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No, not porn!  Other sites that you visit when the boredom is killing you and you want to pass the time.  Where do you go?  What type of sites interest you?

Recently I've been reading all the old Blind Item reveals on   a hollywood gossip site where thoughout the year there will be lots of 'Blind Items' posted which are mostly stuff that celebs want to keep quiet but the site host posts them without revealing the celeb(s) in question until New Years Eve where he reveals who the item was about.  I don't know how true the reveals are but he's been posting for years and has never been sued for posting anything unture (as far as I know) and some of them are interesting and others (Mae West reveal in particular) are shocking!

I'm also an fan just to have a chuckle at the randomness of it all.

So.....any sites you want to share to keep me amused this evening when I crack open the wine?

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Skive that sounds like a good read!

Issy I love reading the local paper online and seeing who was in court and for what

Rawky I hate tryin to watch youtube in my netbook coz it buffers too much  

I probably don't have to worry about being bored tonight coz my sister has decided to keep me on the phone for over an hour which meant I didn't pour any wine til now!

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