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I just wanted an example, surely you can come up with an ideal republic for us to aspire too, they've all had their chance at writing constitutions. I am quite old but have only known one monarch in the UK, a little dated but who doesn't seem to have put a foot wrong per se. We know of several others in Europe, the best of whom appears to be the King of Sweden who if I may say so has a marvellous attitude to life. We've known many presidents and apart from Clinton in the USA, who lets face it was dealt a great hand, I can't think of any wonderful ones.
To be fair Agent Joe, there are different kinds of Presidents.  There are Presidents who, like Clinton lead the Country and have the opportunity to prove themselves legislatively. 

Then there are Presidents like ours who are elected, but who do not govern, but excel in other ways.  Mary Robinson was a fantastic president.  She did massive work for equality in Ireland and is now the UN Commissioner for Human Rights.
I think this is what I meant before about cherry picking. Whereas one might wish for a President like Mary Robinson, one wouldn't wish for the rest of the baggage. I understand that it's Gordon Brown's fault but most of western europe is in the clarts whether they have a monarchy or not. Essentially I think the UK official administration would work well as it is if we could remove supreme power from the bankers and fat cats.
Garage Joe
that's the problem, it's nothing to do with whether you have a monarchy or a president, or indeed what voting system you have.  It's the unelected fat cats that run most countries.

The only thing with a president is at least they have to work for their money, are replaceable and aren't entitled to their position because of a bloodline.

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