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What would you think of doing away with free NHS and introducing Health Insurance, it would mean more money in the public purse, and it means if you do get sick you have paid your health insurance so it will still be technically free.

For people who are become ill due to self inflicted reasons (smoking, obesity, drinking, wreck-less behaviour) and show no signs of changing their lifestyle their premiums will be slightly higher. This wouldn't affect terminal illness suffers who fall ill through no fault of their own.

Hard to explain, but we were discussing this in class today about how America run this type of  situation and wondering if it would firstly work in their country and secondly if the people would support it.

Also, don't attack me its not my opinion just something I think is interesting and could be interesting to discuss.

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Its something only the Conservatives could introduce... great if your rich but crap if your poor. I think the system we currently have works, despite the NHS being awful. I broke my leg years ago in America, the service was fantastic. No queues and there was alot of staff about.

If people over here would want that system and they have the money they could simply just go private.
Isn't the NHS a kind of health insurance anyway - I mean, we do pay for it.

If people over here would want that system and they have the money they could simply just go private
Yes to both of these. It could improve, but at least we aren't asked on the trolley to resuscitation what our insurance number is.
cologne 1
The idea of no free NHS and having to have health insurance to get treatment is horrific. The result would be that:
 if you could afford the health insurance you would be OK
 if you can't afford health insurance, then you will not be treated, and die
 the insurance companies would be making a nice fat profit out of it as they are in business to make a profit, whereas the NHS is'nt, so the average cost per person who be higher re the profit element

There might be some treatment made available for the very poor and emergencies, but the speed, quality and available places would be limited.

And although being self employed I can't be in a union and strike, I would support the 100% total all-out general strike which would result if any government was evil enough to make such a proposal. And I would expect the civil unrest which would also result would dwarf anything seen in this country in many hundreds of years.

There, I think I've made it clear as to where I stand.
El Loro
This is something that is very dear to my heart.  When I lived in the states, I paid $300 a month for health insurance - through my employer.  Someone who was self-employed or couldn't get health insurance through their employer paid 4 times that amount.  Businesses, especially those that emplyed people at the lower end of the pay scale, would limit their employees to less than a 40 hour work week so they would not have to contribute to their insurance costs.

For my $300 a month, I had to pay full cost for a doctor visit.  I had to pay full cost for any medication.  I had to pay full cost for vaccinations, flu shots, etc.  If I were to be hospitalised, or go to the emergency room, my insurance would pay only 80% of the cost.  I was liable for the rest.

The American Health Care System is a shambles and has been for decades.  Although Obama has tried to revise it, he has been blocked constantly by the insurance companies and the medical professionals who don't want to give up their lavish lifestyles.
And although being self employed I can't be in a union and strike, I would support the 100% total all-out general strike which would result if any government was evil enough to make such a proposal. And I would expect the civil unrest which would also result would dwarf anything seen in this country in many hundreds of years.

All working people pay towards the NHS .....................are we really so heartless that we'd see health care denied for those unfortnate enough not to be able to pay?
Soozy Woo
And although being self employed I can't be in a union and strike, I would support the 100% total all-out general strike which would result if any government was evil enough to make such a proposal. And I would expect the civil unrest which would also result would dwarf anything seen in this country in many hundreds of years.
I won't bother to echo the comments of others who back the NI/NHS but I have an aversion to everything in the country being down to how fat your wallet is.  Some things are just too important in a society that wants to call itself a decent society The price of everything and the value of nothing, is a bit of a tired clichÃĐ but it's one that fits those who ideologically want the me, me, me society to permeate every aspect of everything in life.
Hard to explain, but we were discussing this in class today about how America run this type of situation and wondering if it would firstly work in their country and secondly if the people would support it.
This is how our country is run, we do have a medical card if a person is if low income but other than that you have health insurance or pay the hospital or doctors bill....
I work and have done so since I was 18 and paid my National Insurance . So i feel i am entitled to "free" NHS treatment. But after working with the NHS most of my working life, i beleive a review is badly needed. There are some ops and treatment thru the NHS that quite frankly, people should pay for privately. Some people are taking resourses thru the system that they shoudnt really be doing. I work in an NHS hospital, but the surgeons do private work too, within NHS resourses, which is all wrong . In the unit i work, priority will be given to a private patient, although it is a NHS hospital! I have no problem with private patients but they shouldnt use up NHS beds or Theatres. What is going on now within the NHS, if one doesnt know, would  make ones shackles rage.
I have no problem with private patients but they shouldnt use up NHS beds or Theatres. What is going on now within the NHS, if one doesnt know, would make ones shackles rage.
I've thought that for a while Skylark. Someone's post up there^ mentioned 'having the money and going private' I was tempted to post then about it being NHS surgeons/docs/nurses that provide the treatment

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