How wonderfully clever Ditty . How do you know where to look/what its called?
I got lucky! two full days & evenings ... googling on my son's lappy... finding a "solution"... and trying to run CCleaner, or the tool on my laptop... only for the virus to start shutting down even more programs (Even Task Manager !!!)
I remember lying in bed that night... thinking the only way was gonna be to totally reformat the hard drive... and lose everything on my lappy... photos, music the lot... & being sooo gutted.
Not wanting to do that ... I went on another google offensive (on son's laptop)... I found some sites where the techs were advising deleting lines out of the registry... about 200 lines of script... (when lappy was in safe mode)...
then another advise site said delete loads of scary stuff e.g.
link to scary advice..
I didn't do any of these... cos though I am up for it when it comes to playing in the bowels of my pooter... there is a real risk of totally screwing the whole thing up!
Then I found a bit of a gem of advice from someone on a forum... change the folder name. In the case of SystemSecurity malware.. it was
c:/documents and settings/all users/application data/10176254
So I just renamed the folder called 10176254 to 'diebitch' (I was filled with virus hate
) and that stopped it replicating itself... allowing me to run removal tools in safe mode etc.
OH.... other big bit of advice... turn off system restore... or it will just have backed itself up.
I will go and see if I can find any useful advice on the Google Redirect virus G&P...
I will be back