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My second point. About the "newbie" who has been referred to. I acknowledge that some FMs feel strongly that they know the person's identity. But, but, BUT what if.......the person really is a "newbie"? Not a nice welcome if the person actually is new! Because things like that conern me (and because I think human nature is basically good) I tend to accept what I see and hear - until I discover otherwise. Yes it can lead to disappointments, but it's my way.
Yes I agree, unless the 'newbie' is creating conflict, live and let live is my motto.
But they're not.
But you really don't know that.
I remember the first time I ever posted on the old C4 BB site and I was jumped on just because I said I wasn't keen on a HM. I was told if that was the best I had to say for my first post perhaps I should go to another forum. I remember feeling like I had done something wrong and it was a while before I posted again.
 Since then I really don't care what other people think of my posts they are my opinions and I will voice them.

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