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From what I know, a clique is a group of friends (fail numero 1*) who discuss said proposed target off forum somewhere else on t'internet (fail numero 2*) and then pile in en masse to point and laugh and agree with each other at the OP muppet in question (fail numero 3*)
I wasn't aware that it had to be that organised/deliberate..... isn't it just a group of people who get along/ are largely of like mind, (commonly referred to as 'friends') from which some feel excluded?
Crikey, looks like I fell asleep way too early last night, what a bad clique member I am!

I don't always agree with people's opinions, but I do respect them, and know when i should keep my trumpet nicely shut, therefore avoiding arguments.. I just like a bit of lighthearted forum banter to compliment my cheery days.

I wanna C-O-O-L  R-I-D-E-R..

~Sparkling Summer~
I wasn't aware that it had to be that organised/deliberate..... isn't it just a group of people who get along/ are largely of like mind, (commonly referred to as 'friends') from which some feel excluded?
There's a difference in friends disagreeing with a poster and targeted attacks where a group of people purposely go out to bait or try to rile someone up just for the hell of it (but they don't like it when it happens to them ).

But your description is right in that others could see that as a clique. The thing is there will always be people you don't like on the net and there will be others you make a connection with and get to know. There's bugger all wrong with that and it's human nature?. It's when the group only appear to make snidey comments and defend their mates in arguments that have frig all to do with them that it becomes an issue. (Well, to me anyway!)
We get along with some people better than others. That's human nature.
It is group dynamics. Those we relate to most would perhaps be called a group (or a clique.)
Unfortunately the word "clique" can be used pejoratively and negatively - invariably by people who are not particularly members of that group.
I don't feel envious of any particular group (or clique.)
It's simply that we all relate to some people better than others. We cannot have things in common with everyone.
However I simply don't see why any particular group (or clique) should be regarded as some sort of enemy.
We all form little groups naturally; you only need to watch Big Brother to see that.
Except, of course, those of us who are so unique and individual that we stand head and shoulders above any group. 

(To tell you the truth I'm getting a bit bored of the word “clique” now.)

it is only when that clique gang up on someone or belittle them just because their friend is having a heated debate

and that is exactly what happens on this forum - and I have to note that a number of the people on here tryng to deny it exists are the main offenders. (and before you all start having a go I am not saying everyone who says is doesn't exist is a perpertrator - just a handful of people)
The thing is there will always be people you don't like on the net and there will be others you make a connection with and get to know. There's bugger all wrong with that and it's human nature?. It's when the group only appear to make snidey comments and defend their mates in arguments that have frig all to do with them that it becomes an issue

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