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And there you have it, the proof that George W Bush and Saddam Hussein were actually buddies, that circles, triangles, semi-circles and other shapes are all in league fighting for world domination, and that they are all out to get us.

But many years ago, I was driving through somewhere in this country, somewhere very desolate, and my car came to a halt. I got out to see what was wrong, but couldn't find anything wrong. I looked around and through the woods I could see a small house looking a bit run down, but there was smoke coming from the chimney. I walked over to the house and knocked on the door. Eventually a man opened the door. I told him my car had stopped and asked if he had a phone I could use. He invited me in. Inside the house I could see a huge array of computers and monitors.

I asked him about them, but at first he was reluctant to say anything. But after a time he started telling me. It turned out that his computers monitored all activity throughout the world, and that he used them to control that activity, everything  - weather, politics, wars, economies, who would win BB - everything. He said that he didn't mind if I told other people because it would be impossible to prove it.

Eventually we returned to my car and there was nothing wrong. It started and as it was getting late, I thanked him and drove off.

But a few days later I returned to that place and there was no sign of any house or the man, just the woods. I looked around, but could not find a trace. I've been back a couple of times since but no sign of him.

So there's no point in saying where I was because that would be a waste of time for others to look for him. All I've got is the momento he gave me. It's a small box with something inside. I don't know what because I've never been able to open it. Maybe one day I will be able to.
El Loro

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