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I think this proved:

  • Kayla is nice but dim
  • Dom is a complete wanker dripping with poisionous insults dress up as humour
  • Gillian's lack of self awareness is just awful, what a horrible witch,. Feel sorry for her poor kids
  • Alison has little manners- ie her comment to Limbit
  • Sheryl is a lovely woman, would love to have seen more of her
  • Linford, Britt, Shaun all fantastic contestents
  • Stacy, lovely deserving winner. Her son is a wee dote!
  • anyone boring I didn't even remember them
Goodness I'm away for a few weeks and the site graphics turn all butch...

I loved this years show. Didn't have a clue who Stacey was (or Aggro or Kayla for that matter). Her voice is like nails down a screen and she has T Rex hands - why so some women do that??? It makes them look a sausage roll short of a picnic. BUT, despite all that, I got to like her. Not sure I could live with her talking in that voice all the time though. 

I absolutely adored Shaun, Dom and Jenny. 

Gillian - I'd have just stepped over her on the live trial and carried on. Luckily And and Dec have more compassion. Her poor, poor daughters...I suspect they are already ruined. Why was no adult with them? I hate the fact she has fake qualifications and talks complete nonsense - that alone makes me loathe the woman, aside from attention seeking, self centred, emotionally draining yada yada yada....

Lembit - that man has issues. Dating a "child" of 21 at his age is simply freaky and Alison said what I would have said. I'm guessing he can't pull a woman his own age as we have more sense. 

Who else? Nigel - what a sap. Britt - what can I say? Married to Peter Sellers, dated Rod Stewart and has been a Bond girl. The Jungle must have seemed like a walk in the park. Aggro - who he? Seems a nice lad. Alison - lovely lady but I think I'd have been a bit like Shaun when faced with that volume all day.   Kayle - I loathe all things Playboy with a passion so she'd have had a very rough ride from me. And her voice was even more annoying than Stacey's. Linford - goodness, he's aged well. Let's hope Lembit's youngster doesn't set eyes on him. He's the right age if she likes them old but a lot fitter. **waggles eyebrow** 

That other women - the nice one married to the footballer. Sheryl? As you can see she made one hell of an impression.  Nice lady though - too nice perhaps.

Now I know I've missed someone....
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El Loro

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