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If it's happening so often maybe you should question what you're doing that's winding people up. Your opening post on this subject was incredibly aggressive.
I am not doing anyting wrong: just putting my views and opinions, like EVERYONE else!  And the SAME 4 or 5 people - including you, just love to attack and mock and have a go.... because it's me.  And there are about 3 others on here who get the same treatment no matter what they say..    It's pathetic and the behaviour is really petty and childish and vindictive. 

Just ignore me if you don't like my posts..  It's not that hard..  You and several others just target my posts every time I come on here.  That is all I am saying now on this subject and I'm not going to answer any more of your 'baiting' posts, because I know you and several others here just want to see me banned.  So see ya.!    I am not playing the game anymore and will post my views and opinions as i am entitled to as much as anyone else as long as I stay within the rules of the forum.  Now get off my back ; I am not talking to you anymore, or anyone else who behaves like a WUM and baits me. 
EXACTLY crunchy.  And it's funny how it's the SAME people ....  the SAME 4 or 5 people ONLY who take such morbid offence to my heinous and disgustingly OFFENSIVE posts!  It's hilarious; I don't post anything any worse than ANYONE else on here, but because I have the nerve to go against the opinions of several 'regulars' on here, I get vilifed and attacked, no matter what I post.  So of course I am defensive sometimes, when I get attacked for sod all half the time!  Anyway, I don't give a shit and that's the last from me about this on this thread!  I am so bored with the subject now and fed up of defending myself against the 'ancients' in here who pick apart every bloody thing I post!.  No wonder many have fleed this site!
Dunno, I think Cheryl was totally wrongfooted- they always go to the mentor last, she wasn't expecting to be asked to choose before all the rest of them had..

You are right, and maybe I've been a bit harsh saying she should be sacked. They should have came to her last in the first place and certainly should have came to her last when it was 2-1 to Katie so that she could have taken it to deadlock.
Crunchy  Nuts

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