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It really does!
It must be one of the main reasons I like being here in this forum.
It's the spirit everyone shows. The desire to be nice to people.
For example one only has to ask a question, and invariably someone will arrive (often many will arrive) with answers, or at least suggestions.
It streches from computer problems, mechanical, technical, food and drink and clothes, right across to mental health, behaviour and childbirth. (I have no experience of the latter incidentally.)
It would be invidious to mention names (and unfair because I would probably forget somebody,) and anyway there are so many.
But many FMs will know who they are.
They have knowledge and a generous mind and spirit.
They help because they want to help!
Yes, it makes you proud to be GaGa!

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thank you so much.
My mind has been expanded and enlightened thanks to El Loro. A bit of a treasure I would say.

But it is the overall attitude of the vast majority of posters to which I mainly refer.
All 3 of you have been helpful to others - I know you have. (In fact cologne only a few minutes ago to me.)
What is so nice is that almost every GaGa wants to help and does so when they can.
Believe me, you don't get that everywhere.
Have to admit it's been a laugh here over the last couple of days The XFactor thread (and my cold) reeled me in. And then I started reading more than I usually do.
I'd like to nominate El Loro as the official Gaga Font of All Knowledge. The amount of stuff he knows is mind-boggling! He'd be an absolute nightmare to play against in Trivial Pursuits
I'm a bit embarrassed at reading the above, in a nice way. Thanks everyone - you're nice people.

I'm not the Oracle, and if I'm honest I'm not the font of knowledge. I just have a bit of a skill for finding out information by searching for it (comes of being an accountant and having to be able to find out information about tax - I don't know all the tax stuff there is, so I need to be able to find the answers). And as I have to explain tax things to people, I need to be able to explain things in a way that they can understand.
El Loro

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