Well done Eugene's Lair, you are correct again
As no-one else has posted an answer, I confirm that the answer is 2001 A Spance Odyssey.
For the benefit of others:
Throws a bone is the scene where an ape throws a bone into the air, and as it spins the scene shifts time to show a space ship in place of the bone.
Can't afford a fancy wedding actually rather slow and low refers to the scene where Hal the homicidal computer is put out of action with the computer boards being removed. As this happens Hal starts singing Daisy, daisy, and as more and more boards are removed, his voice gets slower and lower until by the time he has sung "it won't be a stylish marriage , can't afford a carriage" he stops.
Goes on a trip refers to the psychedelic journey through the stars portal. It has been compared to having an LSD trip.
The baby is obviously a reference to the final enigmatic scene with the baby orbiting round the Earth.
And Eugene Lair's reference in his answer is to some of the music for the film "Also sprach Zarathustra".