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No it doesn't.
It makes me feel angry that so many people seem to want to stop me going about my business in town. Shouting, rattling tins and boxes, asking me to change my provider of this, that and the other.
Standing in spots where they know they are blocking potential customers - places where they are virtually confronting people.
No guilt at all.
People choose for themselves who they wish to give money to.
If it becomes verging on the aggressive (which is often the case) it makes me more determined to ignore.
I do contribute to things but I will not be coerced into it.
I do give ,in my own way privately.Thats why they collect this way ,its to make you feel guilty.More people should ignore them,or better still go to the management and let them know you will withdraw your custom and shop in a store that doesnt have the customers harrassed.
Our local Asda only allow so many "collection" days throughout the year and its usually for the local primary schools.
Plenty of six figure salaries, lovely offices, and many admins to pay before the target gets a sniff of the money.
This is why I always prefer to give to the Big Issue seller, because as I understand it, the person selling is the one in need. So when I chuck him (and the dog) an extra couple of quid it's going straight to the person who needs it most.
This is why I always prefer to give to the Big Issue seller, because as I understand it, the person selling is the one in need.
A lot of ours are now Eastern Europeans and they work for one person or a cartelle( sp) so it is a bit of a business for them, 
There was an article in one of the papers some time ago,

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