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saw a new GP today and it's pleurisy, which I've been told had it been left undetected, could have had severe complications due to previous pneumonia (which also went undetected although I knew there was summat wrong). What the hell is wrong with some doctors FFS??!  I have had to stop myself going round there and smacking the old doc in the gob with my crutches Mothers, ALWAYS trust your instinct.

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Thanks I'm alright (now), but the GP was more than aware of his history, it was mentioned when we took him to get checked over, but the GP said it was a viral cold and sent us on our way. Just glad we have changed surgeries now tbh, but I just wanted to highlight that sometimes docs will miss stuff, especially in younger children and to trust your instincts. x
Yes Karma, was saying something similiar today. My nephew is 15 and been in and out of hospital for years, only now after me and his mother (my sister) keeping on and on , he has been diagnosed with Croahn,s Disease, which we knew anyway.....I pity some folk who arent as intelligent or savvy as us, or dont feel as confident to take on a GP, some ARE wrong. Good for you Karma, but its a pity we have to self diagnose x
You would have thought that if he sounded his chest  and did the tapping etc?he would have noticed there was congestion in the lungs.
I caught what I thought was a common cold last Christmas,however a few days later it went straight to my chest,bloody holiday weekend.Docs all shut,had to go to the emergency out of hours joint,a very good doc told me I had severe bronchitis,straight onto a week of strong ant biotics.I bloody coughed for a full month.
Mothers instinct is usually the best thing to go by.  I fought with my doctor for months to have my son tested at hospital for an underlying problem coz he was being really sick every 6 weeks without fail and he told me to stop being so ridiculous and that because I was a young mother (18 at the time) that I basically didn;t know what I was talking about.  Soon as he said that I switched doctors and on the first visit which was supposed to be just a meet and greet the doctor sent me off to hospital to get blood tests done on my son.  Turned out he was Anaemic and just needed the proper medicine.  Now my youngest has severe eczema and if I ring for a prescripstion the elderly doctor never gives anything I ask for and replaces the steroid creams with moisturiser :S so I ring up and ask the for the other doctor to do the script and there's never a problem.  I think a lot of practices have the odd doc who couldn't be arsed and then there are the gems who go way out of their way to treat their patients.
Thanks I may get in touch with PALS, but am involved in another matter right now and need to be cautious (even though I have every right to complain about his diagnosis).

I know nothing about pleurisy (don't even know if I got the spelling right?!), only what the GP said today so have had to google this afternoon and try and get a gist of it from there. He's on different a/b's and stuff now so hopefully as long as he stays on them he'll be alright.

I know GP's aren't psychics or magicians and sometimes stuff can be missed but I've still got the raving hump!

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