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Some of these attitudes held by the anti-homosexual people seemed to have no foundation.
Young children were saying the same things.
Their stance was often one of 'there is no debate to be had'.  They were absolutely rigid in their view.
Their reluctance to debate, or even listen was one of the most sinister aspects to these people.
They weren't open to change. They would just switch off. There was an incredible example in the programme of this utterly blinkered approach.
The depressing prospect is that I felt there was no chance of persuading these people that
they might be wrong.
A good programme, I thought, well done by Scott Mills, but one which left me feeling angry and despairing.
Desperately sorry for those people who live in fear.
I was seething at the mad pastor who said that gay people are all liars.
He said they were no better than paedophiles.
He equated paedophiles with gay people - not the only man to make that massive mistake.
He was not just blinkered, his mind was not just closed - it was heavily padlocked, never to be penetrated.
It saddems ,me and angers me (just like Yogi) that situations like this exist.
I think of the progress made in the field of gay rights over the years, and then I see something like this, and I am dashed!

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