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A shop security person once followed me around a shop at a distance of about 4/5 yards for about 15 minutes.
No uniform. Shew dressed to look as ordinary as possible and to merge in with all the shoppers.
But she was extremely bad at it and stood out a mile.
While her attention was on me, I am fairly sure shoplifters were helping themselves to goods at the other side of the store.

I resent having to pay more because others have been stealing.
I used to shoplift in my younger days (a little ), but have paid so much friggin tax in the last 20 years I think I've more than paid my debt to society.

As for chorin from your employer, nah I don't think it's right - unless you're caining the expenses in which case the employer benefits from some kind of tax relief thingy anyway.
Ahhhh me seee   *taps nose*  I fell out with Safeways big time cos I wrote to Jim'll Fix It when I was 6 and really wanted to work on the till for the day. I wrote to the dickhead THREE times and did he fix it? Did he feck. I asked Safeways themselves if I could have a go on the till and the stroppy bird on the checkout said no. I STILL don't like them for that. Treated me like a bloody hostage they did
When I was 15 I had a part time job cleaning, I got paid into a bank account and had a bank card to draw the money out of the hole in the wall.

One Saturday I was down town and wanted to draw a tenner out.
This was in the days when you keyed in how much money you wanted specifically.

To my horror ÂĢ50 came out  Clearly I had pressed a 5 instead of a 1 I didn't have anything like ÂĢ50 in the account so how was this possible?

I was so worried that I went haring off to the police station and told them that I had just accidently robbed a cash point.
When I explained what had happened and the policeman finally stopped laughing he advised me to go to the bank on Monday and give the money back. 

So I am rubbish at stealing and I have never shoplifted either,
I saw this piece of news on the BBC a few days ago:

An Iranian judge has sentenced a man convicted of robbing a confectionery shop to have one of his hands cut off, Iranian media report.

The judge also sentenced the man to one year in prison.

Police arrested the man in May after finding $900 (ÂĢ560), three pairs of gloves and a large amount of chocolate in his car, Fars news agency said.

El Loro

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