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By desktop I don't mean the stuff on your writing table (paper clips, pens etc...) I mean your computer screen which is usually described as your "desktop".
I think this was done previously many months ago.
Do you keep it full and fussy, or bleak and minimalist?
Do you keep the same picture, or colour?  Or do you change it at intervals?
Do you have a celebrity or a picture of family?

I like to change the icons on each folder as a visual reminded of what that folder contains.
Here is my current desktop. I never change the background picture.

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I've never changed the picture which came with my PC. I can beat Yellow Rose's though as I have 95 icons (13 per column) And re Yeloow Rose's query - I think the arrow on the icon means its a shortcut.
Thanks El I remember learning that ones with arrows were either programmes or shortcuts but couldn't remember which was which, and if I deleted the wrong one would I lose the programme.
Yellow Rose
On the subject of desktop images, did anyone play the classic desktop prank on anyone or have it played on them at school?

I did it to someone and had it done to me. Proper cringeworthy!!!

If anyone doesn't know what it is, basically when someone is away from their computer, go online and find a site that you wouldn't want a teacher to see you on... obviously choices are limited due to schools banning certain search terms and keywords, but it can be done through email or whatever... then get it on screen, reduce the size of the browser so that it's only on the side where no icons would be on the desktop.... press 'PRINT SCREEN', save it as a jpeg, then make it the desktop background, wait for the person to come back, distract them so they dont look at their screen first... then attract the teachers attention.... watch as teacher comes over, coinciding with victim realising what's on their screen, then watch them frantically clicking the close [x] button button but nothing happening.

The prankster ends up getting done for it but it is funny seeing the victim in a total panic
Crunchy  Nuts

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