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So yesterday I drove up to Portsmouth, from Devon, for my Uncle's 50th birthday party; its was a 60's/70's theme (eurgh).

Anywho, as I was driving up the M5 I looked into my side mirror (on my side) and notice the plastic panel from the door was hanging off. Not having many other places to go I pulled onto the hard shoulder, which was wide enough for my car.  Got out the car and as soon as a touched the panel it came off, "good job" I thought - didn't want it flying off causing an accident.

So feeling quite pleased with my heroic efforts I went to get back in my car, but before I could a MAHOOSIVE Lorry came hurtling past me and the force was so great that it took me off my feet and flung me onto the actual M5.....well the top half of my body was on it, whilst the rest was in the hard shoulder.  I scurried back as quickly as I could quite bewildered by what happened. I got back into my car and drove off, slightly shaken.

My knees are pretty banged up, I'm sure I've slightly cracked one as its throbbing like no-ones business, but more worryingly is that I could well have been caught on CCTV and get posted on youtube as 'Idiot on the M5'

Anyway, obviously nothing severe happened and I am now back home nursing a hangover

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Rawky, a terrifying experience - I would get your knee checked out though.

I doubt that you would get a clip of this put on Youtube as on the previous day late evening, as a man was on the M5 between Bridgewater & Burnham on Sea when he had a crash and then got out of his car. He then did something utterly stupid. He attempted to cross the motorway over the central reservation. He had no chance of getting across and was killed by a lorry. The motorway was closed for several hours as a result.
El Loro
a MAHOOSIVE Lorry came hurtling past me and the force was so great that it took me off my feet and flung me onto the actual M5
Friggin eck If you were on the hard shoulder then the lorry shouldn't have been going so fast that it would fling you onto the road cos it would have been on the left hand side? He was obviously speeding cos doing 70 wouldn't have caused that. I bloody hate motorway lorries, especially when I get sandwiched between them and their wheels are eye level.

Anyway, obviously nothing severe happened and I am now back home nursing a hangover
I hope you got drunk when you got back home .....

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