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I served this chap in the local shop the same morning he did the deed
Friggin eck!
Tis frightening to think one never really knows what nasties are living amongst you!
I found out a few months back that we lived next door to a paedophile when my son was first born. I had no idea cos I only ever said hello in passing. Good job we didn't know really, there would have been carnage.
You're not the only one Fern, I don't know what I would have done if I'd have known back then, I can only imagine Yeah I was livid when I found out but I heard he's dead now so not worth carrying that anger around. I don't care how much these freedom for all types want to demonstrate or bang on about equal rights, any parent I know would NOT want a paedophile living next door or be able to use facilities where there are young children. I don't care where they put them, stick em in a box and drop it off a boat, just don't put them in a community where they are going to encounter children on a day to day basis. If that's impossible then hang the bastards, they shouldn't have been messing about with kids in the first place and as far as I'm concerned have no right to a place in society anyway.

But with that guy that you served, I bet it shocked you too Bloody hell that's given me shivers
Am of the same thought, they have no place in society whatsoever, wouldn't even give them the time for a slow & painful one..just a bullet between the eyes on the edge of a cliff!

Have to admit it was a bit of a shocker when the news broke, had the police wanting to look at cctv footage of him in the shop beforehand, but what really brought it home to me was the thought that my daughter used to go round his house to play with his little sister!..He used to push them on the swing!
Steriod overuse was to blame for his condition...fried his brain!
just a bullet between the eyes on the edge of a cliff!
That's a bit too quick for my liking
my daughter used to go round his house to play with his little sister!..He used to push them on the swing!

Steriod overuse was to blame for his condition...fried his brain!
Eh? So they reckon that he was a perfectly balanced bloke and one day just decided 'sod it - I'll stick a hammer through me nan?' I suppose it could happen but steroid use seems to be a bit of a far fetched theory, more like they knew he wasn't the full shilling and did nothing about it. Plausible deniability methinks

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