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I had a life that was before I became unwell and my husband passed away I always say it is my lifeline because  it is true I would be very lonely and lost without it, the forum and my friends on here mean everything to me

me too, I was divorced and doing my own thing and then decided to help my mum after my dad died. Going from a fairly hectic social life to pretty much none was a bit of a shock to my system. I love my interweb friends 
I had a life that was before I became unwell and my husband passed away I always say it is my lifeline because  it is true I would be very lonely and lost without it, the forum and my friends on here mean everything to me
I know what you mean Marg.   Although I did meet someone else after my husband died,and we have now lived together for 11 years now, knew each other for nearly 14.We are very happy and have a really good life. Then I had my heart attack, and got the heart failure + other medical probs. But, it has been the people that I have met on C4 and here that have kept me going, and seen me through my bad times. Before the interweb, I read a heck of  a lot more, and I did crosswords too Brisket, plus did more housework.
Especially compared the 90's and the days of dial up's

Before day's of t'internet I was working much longer hours as often it wasn't possible to work from home (no e-mail). This also led to a lot more after work socialising (and drinking). Research meant going to the library, my home and mobile phone bills were ridiculous, I'd have a busy household with guests that were welcomed and ignoring the door to guests who weren't. I'd be out all hours sometimes doing things I shouldn't have been doing and getting into situations that were not within the realms of acceptable behaviour. These days I mostly use the net for my course, work, shopping, food shopping, and keeping in touch with people that are not nearby. So not a lot then
Before the internet was invented I used to sit and dream about this thing where you could chat to people on a computer without even being in the same room as them and you could discuss stuff and argue about pointless stuff and then, well, the internet happened
And therein lies the problem. These days if you argue with someone you have to travel to smack them in the gob. Unless you take your laptop to the pub of course.

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