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Do you have a favourite weather presenter?
Are you irritated by some of the things they say?
I often wonder why things go in pairs - "spits and spots", "dribs and drabs", bits and bobs".
I often wonder why they say it is going to be "a grey old day", or a "cold old day", or a "windy old day".
Why "old"?

Daniel Corbett, the fussy camp one doesn't say 'temperatures' - he says 'the numbers'

My own favourite is Tomasz Schafernaker

or if you prefer.......

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I can't stand Sian Lloyd. She's so precious and twee and her face is irritating. I'd like to see a realistic forecast, something like: 'Well, today it's gonna piss down pretty much everywhere so if you haven't got a brolly then tough shit'

I couldn't give a stuff where the wind is coming from or from what country or at what pressure. All I wanna know is if it's gonna be cold and if it's gonna rain.
I once heard Sky News say: "There'll be a few showers over India." My! That was useful.
Zackly They fluff it out with so much crap and some talk in a really patronising tone and go into stupid detail (like this country doesn't know what rain is - are they sure??!)

The best one for me was in '87 when Michael Fish said rumours of a hurricane were ridiculous and within hours roofs were flying in the air and trees were skipping down the road
I don't know which region you guys are in but we don't have those presenters here in West Yorkshire. We have a cringeworthy person on our local news programme Calendar, who likes to think he comes across as jolly and smiley, he is a right twerp.His name is Jon Mitchell.
Paul Hudson is much better!

The best weather forecaster is a piece of string, hung outside.  If it's wet, it means it's raining.  If its going back and forth, it means it's windy.
The best one for me was in '87 when Michael Fish said rumours of a hurricane were ridiculous and within hours roofs were flying in the air and trees were skipping down the road
But it WASN'T a hurricane!
It was a bad storm with hurricane FORCE winds - gusting.

Apparently the wind speed wasn't high enough for long enough to make it a hurricane.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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