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Reference: brisket
Do you have a violin now El Loro? When did you last play?

I still have the violin that I had when I was at school. I last played when I was 14 and quit the same day as my brother (12 at the time) told my parents that he wanted to give up. My parents were not happy as they were both very musically minded, particularly my father who could have been a concert pianist if he had had the necessary emotional strength to cope with the demands of touring and performing to large crowds.

The violin teacher was not a school teacher but was known by the school music teacher. As an adult I now realise that my and my brother's unease with this violin teacher was that he was probably (but nothing ever happened to us and I have no evidence) a paedophile. I would expect that the man has been dead for many years. This was in the mid 60s when such things were not talked about, so it was impossible to explain what we did not understand to our parents at the time, though years later I did tell my mother.

This is something in my past which does not prey on my mind. As I said, nothing ever happened to me, just a sense of unease and a feeling that something was unhealthy about him.
El Loro
I always wanted to play the violin but never did. I also wanted to be a music teacher and work with children with disabilities but I didn't do that either. I've still got my guitar, haven't played it in ages, but I'm a bit inspired to get it out of it's case now and start playing again.

One artist who I think is an absolute genius is Prince. He can play 27 instruments Now that's dedication
Reference:  Karma
One artist who I think is an absolute genius is Prince. He can play 27 instruments
Goodness me! I didn't know that Karma. So he's much more than a pretty (?) little face.
Karma, it's never too late.  You may enjoy having the guitar in your hands again.
You could just try a strum a day, or a plonk a week.  
I only  played the recorder at school, but I really wish I could play a piano. I do love music though, all different genres,and I can't imagine a day without some sort of music in it. I do  love a saxaphone,  and a Spanish  guitar. But I love to listen to a full orchestra as well.
Lorro, I know what you mean by that teacher, like you say, things like that weren't talked about in them days, but, as children i think we just instinctively  "knew" which adults were not what they should have been.
We shall have a GaGaJoyJoy band / orchestra before you can say Jack

El Loro - thanks for your interesting story.
It seems sad that your violin has lain unplayed for so many years. Worthy of an Oscar Wilde story.
Your (and your brother's) reasons for leaving your violin teacher are understandable and nicely described.
There is a questionable joke lurking somewhere based on the idea of a 'gut feeling' 
Last edited by brisket

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