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Apologies for another thread with a long title, but the subject justifies it.

From the BBC news site today. From the radio news this morning, it appears that every single head of child agencies in this country is opposed to the government's plans, and that this is bad news for everybody in the country apart from the paedophiles. The concern is that by merging the unit into the National Crime Agency will divert funds and attention away from online child protection.

Online child protection chief Jim Gamble resigns

Jim Gamble Ceop has made representations to the government over the decision

The chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) has resigned in a row over its future, the BBC has learned.

The Home Office confirmed Theresa May had accepted Jim Gamble's resignation.

Mr Gamble said he did not believe the decision to assimilate Ceop into the National Crime Agency was in the best interests of children and young people.

Sara Payne, whose daughter Sarah was murdered by a paedophile, said it was "the worst possible news".

Ceop was set up in 2006 to help find and convict paedophiles.

The merger proposal was outlined by Ms May in July.

In a statement Ceop said: "The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre does not feel that it is in the best interests of children and young people for Ceop to be assimilated into the National Crime Agency, as was announced a short while ago.

"This direction of travel does not seem to have changed and Ceop's CEO, Jim Gamble, has therefore today offered his resignation to the home secretary with a four month notice period."

'Recognises importance'

Mrs May said: "As chief executive Jim Gamble has done a great job at Ceop and made a huge contribution to protecting children. I wish him all the best for the future and arrangements for his successor will be outlined in due course.

“Start Quote

Jim Gamble changed the face of child protection for the better, forever.”

End Quote Sara Payne Child protection campaigner

"The government recognises the importance of child protection and wants to build upon the work of Ceop, but does not necessarily feel this is best done by creating a new quango."

It is understood that Ceop has made representations to the government since the announcement that its work was to become part of the proposed National Crime Agency.

Ceop is currently affiliated to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca).

It is believed that Mr Gamble was keen on gaining more independence for the agency rather than allowing it to become part of a greater National Crime Agency.

It felt it would lose its identity and priorities given to its work would be devalued.

Ms Payne, whose eight-year-old daughter Sarah was murdered by Roy Whiting 10 years ago, said she was "disgusted" with the government for "betraying" Mr Gamble.


  • Aims to "eradicate the sexual abuse of children"
  • Part of policing but takes "holistic" approach - working with experts from charity and technology sectors, plus child protection specialists
  • Activities include operating a programme to identify child victims of online abuse
  • Campaigns on keeping children safe from predators when they are online
  • Runs dedicated unit to tackle child trafficking

In a statement, Ms Payne, Shy Keenan and Fiona Crook - who jointly set up the campaign group The Phoenix Foundation - said: "This is the worst possible news and a devastating blow for UK child protection. Jim Gamble changed the face of child protection for the better, forever."

"We cannot begin to describe how disgusted we are with our own government for betraying him and for betraying all of our children. This cannot be allowed to happen; we must stand up and fight, we must do what is right for the protection of our children against the crimes of paedophiles."

Shy Keenan, who was abused as a child, also told the BBC: "We need an independent Child Protection Force, that is focused only on child protection, not soaked into a massive team where he has to fight every single day for funding to do what actually has to be done, and needs to be done," she said.

Claude Knights, direrctor of anti-bullying charity Kidscape said Ceop had proven its worth and the news was concerning.

"It is so sudden as well and to have a person with as much experience as Jim Gamble being taken away from the horizon, really at such speed is a worry, because he is a leader in this field," she said.

'Panic button'

Shadow home secretary Alan Johnson said Mr Gamble was a passionate advocate for effective measures to protect children from threatening people on the internet.

"Under his leadership the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) was gaining an international reputation for its tremendous work. Labour would have given Ceop the operational freedom it needed to become even more effective," he said.

"The government's plans will harm child safety networks. Their lack of consultation has led to the resignation of Mr Gamble who is highly respected within and outside of the organisation he served so well. His expertise will be badly missed."

Mr Gamble was head of Northern Ireland's anti-terrorist unit before joining Ceop and was one of five senior police figures shortlisted to replace Sir Hugh Orde after he stepped down as chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

As Ceop chief executive Mr Gamble led calls for Facebook to set up a "panic button" to give reassurance for young users. The application has been downloaded tens of thousands of times since its launch in July.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The public sector was always going to be punished singled out as the area to suffer the most cuts.

I think most of us could cope, most of us would tighten our belts if we thought that the whole country was going to be the same.
However as per usual it isn't. It was on the Today programme this morning that top bankers were going to award themselves 7.3 billion in bonuses at Xmas.
Apparently Boris Johnson who has always defended the City has urged them not to in this economic climate. But the chances are that they will.

Similarly the whole child benefit debacle. They had the housing minister on the Jeremy Vine show and the number of texts and emails that were coming in saying that child benefit should be tested on the household income - not one income. I mean how is is ever fair that a couple of a combined salary of ÂĢ60k plus should get this benefit when a  single parent or stay at home parent should not get it because they or their partner earn ÂĢ44k? Interestingly none of the parents on ÂĢ43k plus were moaning that they were not getting it - just that there should be parity.

We know we have to make sacrifices - but we should all make the same.. 

One more thing.... on another forum th -at I frequent, a woman said... and I quote cos you will love it...

" do they not realise how hard people who earn the threshhold amount have to work? And how expensive it is to live in 'middle class' areas"

My heart bleeds.....
the government are also cutting right back on domestic violence support. My fiend who works for the police in the domestic violence department said they were all worried that they would loose their jobs if the tories got in. They are, they are facing redundancy over they next two years. So just best hope nobody you know gets beat up by their partner or those nice people who give them the alarm, help them out to the rescue and phone to check that they have a door brace wont be there.
Reference: brisket
On the radio Theresa May has just been saying although Ceop may be under a different umbrella organisation, there is no reason to suppose that its own specialism cannot continue as it has previously.
But also on the radio, someone else was expressing concern that children could be put off by getting in touch with the National Crime Agency being police orientated rather than civilain orientated.

Also Jim Gamble would hardly resign if it was just a matter of moving from one organisation to another one, and Theresa May does not appear to have done anything to try to reassure Jim Gamble, but has just accepted his resignation.

Has anyone outside the government voiced their approval for the proposed move, because I haven't heard any.
El Loro

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