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I've to get this procedure in the next few weeks..anyhone had this?

I did have it about eight years ago to examine the stomach for ulcers etc.

This time it's to examine my throat.I've had an annoying throat for months,nearly six in fact.After various treatments,I finally had a baruim swallow.The consultant stated that my gullet isn't moving as it should,and there may be "webbing" in the way...Well I ain't stupid and hit the net..

I don't smoke,but I do drink.

Oh and this time it's a total knock out job..he said unless I was a sword swallower it had to be..

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I had an endoscopy a few years ago (probably the same one you had) that went down into my tummy. I absolutely hated it, 3 nurses had to hold down my legs after I nearly booted one in the gob They gave me the sedation then wheeled me straight in, which meant I was sedated about an hour after it was over which was about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike

I don't know if it will be as bad if they are looking at the throat, but my advice is yes, get yourself knocked out, take all the drugs they wanna throw at you. It's a horrible, horrible thing to have to have done and if I ever get told I need one again I'm going to knock myself unconscious with a hammer if anaesthesia is not on offer.

Good luck with yours though!
I had no spray or valium (that I remember?) It was some tablet thingy (I think), all I know was that it was given no time at all to work and while I was doing my nut the bloke doing the procedure was whistling. WHISTLING. And do you know what the tune was? Always look on the bright bloody side of life

While you're under anaesthetic they may aswell do what they need to (without meaning to sound cold) - but it makes sense instead of calling you back and subjecting you to more prodding about if it's not needed. And at least you haven't got to keep swallowing - that can be tiring, especially at the wrong time of the month

But joking aside, best of luck with it, I hope if they have to do a biopsy that it comes back ok xxx

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