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You know, Prom asked at the beginning of the thread if people could share their experiences that would indeed indicate that there was life after death.

Reading through this thread I can see that people are reluctant to but ( like me) just say that they believe.
However those who do not believe are most vociferous in their responses which makes it even less likely that people will respond in the way you wanted.

I would NEVER mock someone for not believing that there is an afterlife. I would NEVER mock someone's faith ( notice I do not say religion).
However in this thread it is open season.

All of you are more than entitled to your beliefs...

But don't knock people who do think there is something else.
Maybe we are deluded, maybe we are fools.
BUT for me, at the moment. the thought someone is looking out for me is what gets me through the day sometimes.
I don't mock folk that believe, my own cousin is convinced that she is psychic and some of the things she sees and states are very believable. Only last year she stated she "saw" my late mother in our hallway and spoke to her.My mother stated to her,"It's so nice to see children laughing in this house again"(my cousins kids) However I  still have my cynical/science hat on at all times.

However I would love to believe ,but just can't.
I do get spooked by her at times,lol.(My cousin)She was told many times by various mediums etc,that she has a very powerful gift.She  can do tarot readings etc,but really stops short of "Chanelling" spirits.She doesn't feel strong enough to cope.She has had problems in her life. Hmm ,Maybe some folk are more open to such things,than us cynics...

The house I live in now has seen  deaths,my family members..My grandad died in the bedroom,(a long illness)my dad died suddenly of a heart attack in the same room.My brother died in the living room,I assume folk have died before we were tennants etc.Every building must have life forces in it.Scientists state that if conditions are right we can have replays  of events etc.LIke videos,cameras  etc   out there in the ether.,.

My mind is not totally closed.
Reading through this thread I can see that people are reluctant to but ( like me) just say that they believe

Someone once said (prob on C4 GBBF!) there's no point.     People who don't believe won't believe 'proof' and people who do, don't need it.       Me?    I believe there's 'something' but believe a lot of mediums etc are fake.   However... my sister went to one of those 'psychic fairs' once - I told her she was stupid, they were rogues and charlatans etc - and she came back with a tape of a conversation that I listened to with my most cynical head on, and was blown away.    I was listening for the leading questions - none came.     She said very personal things about my Mum's last days and the way she passed, without prompting.    

 could give details - in fact, I have just typed a lot of stuff and deleted it.    Ref my second sentence above.

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