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Text book is size 12 - 14 ( and actually the average size for a woman in GB is 16). She is a fantasy for many young men but that is all she is..
The average size may now be a size 16, but you have to take into account the women who are far below their ideal weight (Size 0) and those women who are far above their ideal weight (Size 22 and above) to get that average.

I was one of those that criticsed Josie because of her weight.  I stand by that.  She is NOT a healthy weight for her frame.  Nor is Victoria Beckham or Cheryl Cole.

I do know that the NHS is suffering due to an increase of overweight/obese people - diabetes and heart conditions being 2 of the problems brought on by unhealthy weight.

I was one of those that criticsed Josie because of her weight.  I stand by that.  She is NOT a healthy weight for her frame.  Nor is Victoria Beckham or Cheryl Cole.
But to be fair we don't know what her frame was. She appeared quite tall to me.

As for the issue of overweight people being a burden on the NHS...
well yes BUT believe it or not under nutrition is also a burden.
One in three people admitted to our hospitals each year are malnourished or are at risk of malnutrition. This is on admission- NOT hospital induced. And there this is not just the elderly - a lot of younger people are malnourished as well.
Malnutrition costs the NHS 13 billion pounds each year.
The average length of stay for a well nourished person in hospital is 6 days - for one who is malnourished it is 13.
You are more likely to get a bedsore or wound infection  if you are undernourished.

Yes obesity is a growing problem but so is undernutrition - they are both as equally as bad,
Yes obesity is a growing problem but so is undernutrition - they are both as equally as bad,
So, what is the solution?  Education?  Jamie's "Ministry of Food"?

From my own experience, 3 times a week for over 2 years of going to hospital for treatment, I have seen it from a patient point of view.  I have seen nurses and staff having to bring in lifts to transfer people from their wheelchair to the bed (nothing wrong with their legs, their legs just couldn't support their weight), and other patients having to wait while 3 staff members were tending to one patient.

I have suffered with my weight for years and it's only been a real issue with me since my health has been so bad.  I was still able to do most everyday activities and now it's a struggle to do the most basic of tasks.  AND my weight i not nearly as bad as others that I have witnessed.  I'm a size 16-18.  I still need to lose more weight, but that's another issue.

Being a size 16-18, although average, is not the optimum weight, especially for a young woman.  Most women tend to put on a few pounds as they age.  So a young woman who is a size 16 now, will probably be a size 20-22 after a couple of babies.

Undernutrition/malnutriton is not only an issue for someone who is underweight but is also an issue for someone who is overweight.  A diet of crisps and biscuits is not a healthy diet - no matter if you are 8 stone or 20 stone.
The trouble is Suzi, as a nation we do not respect food. We rush it, we buy high fat ready meals... we think we are clever cos we don't eat breakfast. We eat sandwiches at our desk.
I am convinced that part of the reason for both under and over nutrition is the fact that cookery is not taught in schools any more -( well not what we would call cookery) and we do not cook from scratch as much. Supermarkets make it too easy for us.
Lives are too busy is the argument yet how long does it take to cook nourishing food?

I take your point as well about 16 not necessarily being the ideal weight - but then  neither is a size 8.

Perhaps there is no such thing as an ideal weight.

You are also spot on with your remark that obese people can be malnourished. They can and sadly the last thing a sick obese person needs to go on is a reducing diet..

What is the answer?
Well education is the key BUT people have to want to be educated....
Jamie Oliver is not the answer...too gung ho, too patronising.
The trouble is Suzi, as a nation we do not respect food. We rush it, we buy high fat ready meals... we think we are clever cos we don't eat breakfast. We eat sandwiches at our desk. I am convinced that part of the reason for both under and over nutrition is the fact that cookery is not taught in schools any more -( well not what we would call cookery) and we do not cook from scratch as much. Supermarkets make it too easy for us. Lives are too busy is the argument yet how long does it take to cook nourishing food?
It's funny, isn't it?  All these cookery programmes and yet no one cooks anymore.  I am addicted to cookery programmes - just tonight I was drooling all over Michel Roux, JR.

I have always cooked, and my meals are not Michelin star cuisine, but they are tasty and filling.  Even when I was really sick, I would explain to my son exactly how to cook something and it amazed me how well he picked it all up.  When you are in hospital for 2 months, having a well cooked meal is the best thing in the world.

We rarely get a take-away, and when we do, it's a treat.  Even the ready meal curries in th supermarket are treats.  BUT to many families, that is not a treat, it's their lifestyle.  Too many people can't even chop an onion.
I have always cooked, and my meals are not Michelin star cuisine, but they are tasty and filling.  Even when I was really sick, I would explain to my son exactly how to cook something and it amazed me how well he picked it all up.  When you are in hospital for 2 months, having a well cooked meal is the best thing in the world.
The best convenient food in the world ever? jacket potato and beans and cheese.

Quick, filling and so nutritious.

Both my girls can cook. I,like you, rarely have a takeaway.
Cooking is so easy - and you don't have to aspire to be any of the greats...
My Mum had an expression...

"If you have an egg in the house, you have a meal!"
RiverRock offline 960 Forum Posts September 25, 2010 at 9:02 PM Last Edited: She can't sing yet she is a judge on a talent show based on the fact she is a 'singer'. She comes across as a completely selfish bitch who pretends to care about others when there is a camera on her (Have read on DS that people have worked with her and have conformed this). She wouldnt be where she is now had Ashley not cheated on her. Also the fact she acts as though butter wouldn't melt, eg when Ablisa were on and one of them hit the other she was so shocked saying 'oh my god she hit hit' and then acted as if it was the most shocking thing she had ever seen in her life despite the fact she has been convicted for assault. All the above aside, it annoys me someone with little more than good looks has such a high place in showbiz, and gets everything handed to her on a plate.
I wonder what Chreyl Coles opinion is on the expanding ans Shrinking Waistlines of the UK
For someone who finds her so 'uninteresting' you don't half seem, well... interested in her, what she does and her opinion on things.

I think you're secretly a proper little fan I bet your bedroom walls are covered from top to bottom in Girls Aloud and Cheryl Tweedy posters and calendars
Crunchy  Nuts
Garage Joe online 7,451 Forum Posts Today at 1:05 PM Last Edited: But surely that applies to most women at that X Factor end of showbiz. I think that she has done pretty well for herself. When you see the return of Sharon next Saturday you'll understand how much worse it could be.
No doubting she has done well for herself and as you say the return of Sharon will show how much worse it could be.

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