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News from the BBC:

Adult video-sharing list leaked from law firm

The Pirate Bay logo The attacks were in retaliation for action against file-sharing site the Pirate Bay

The personal details of thousands of Sky broadband customers have been leaked on to the internet, alongside a list of pornographic movies they are alleged to have shared online.

The list, seen by BBC News, details the full names and addresses of over 5,300 people thought by law firm ACS:Law to be illegally sharing adult films.

It appeared online following an attack on the ACS:Law website.

The UK's Information Commissioner said it would investigate the leak.

Privacy expert Simon Davis has called it "one of the worst breaches" of the Data Protection Act he had ever seen.

The full article on the BBC site is too long to show here, but click here to see it

Although the BBC has seen the list, they have not shown the details.


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Feckin' Murdoch wants total domination of the airways/media...there are supposed to be safeguards in place to ensure no "one" has a monopoly on the media etc.I never tune in to SKY news shoite..Yes we have SKY,only because my niece pays for it.When she moves out,I'll be back to my freeview.
Too right, the man's a threat to our democracy and our culture.  It makes me sick how he's revelled in his role as political king maker for decades.

The Tories and Labour between them have created a monster.

The press today were making a big thing about the trade union influence on Labour's leadership election yet a foreigner who hardly pays any tax just does as he pleases telling our politicians when to jump for favourable coverage and tells readers who they should vote for at general elections.

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