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This is more a question for the mods really, but noticed Strictly and X Factor threads have been made into 'featured' topics along with the SIT, so I was wondering... what is the criteria required for a topic to become featured? Obviously the SIT is the SIT, but apart from that do they have to be about TV? Reality TV? or is it just random choices?

If you're looking for something to make featured, may I suggest the footy thread. It's used regularly, i suppose in a way it's reality TV as well (think about it).

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For a thread to be featured, it needs to be relevant to the forum which is why the BB threads were. As BB had come to an end, someone on Feedback suggested that the BB thread stickies could be removed, but Strictly and X-factor be put in their place. Strictly and X-factor both attract large audiences and mnay of the BB fans would also watch those.

I also asked Seattle to make my security thread featured for a time. This was because the lhe thread was of importance to many users and because there would be few posts on it, if it was not featured it would be quickly lost meaning that most users would not see it. But after a few weeks It had served it's purpose and I asked for it to be unfeatured.

There are members who find the stickies an irritant as they clog up the top part of the page, and by making more than 4 threads featured at a time would be even more irritating for them.
El Loro

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