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In the shops today...I saw the latest type of Jeggings(cross between jeans and leggings) they were stirrup types,ya know with the under the foot bands .Ski pants as they were once called.Haha I wore them in the 80's .They were out first in the 60's

Crikey.  Not only does fashion constantly repeat itself, the internet does too...
For me, I have to say I prefer the older styles - even going back further than the 50's.  Men and women would dress to go out (even to the shop for a pint of milk).  None of this doing the school run in their pajamas.

There was a lot more pride in one's appearance than what seems to be the case today.  A woman may go out to the shops with her hair in rollers, but she covered her head with a scarf, and always had her lippy.
I saw a girl today walking around, sitting, reading, eating, and 'phoning - all done with her head tilted to the left.
She had long hair (waist length) and in an effort to maintain what I presume she thought was an attractive look (tresses of hair falling over her left shoulder and breast), she had to keep her head tilted.
I thought she looked rather silly. Any effect she hoped to create was minimsed by a tilted head.
I saw a girl today walking around, sitting, reading, eating, and 'phoning - all done with her head tilted to the left. She had long hair (waist length) and in an effort to maintain what I presume she thought was an attractive look (tresses of hair falling over her left shoulder and breast), she had to keep her head tilted. I thought she looked rather silly. Any effect she hoped to create was minimsed by a tilted head.
Maybe she had a bad neck or her earring was very heavy?
40`s and 50`s styles were sublime. I`ve got wardrobes of originals and Victorian clothes. It`s a real passion of mine. Friends/family say I should open a shop...people would get pleasure out of wearing them instead of them languishing in my wardrobes. I understand what they mean but I just can`t part with them. I wish I could..they`re taking over my bedroom. 
There's not much that is original nowadays - most of it is copied from the past.
That's how it goes though, it always comes back again, just usually with a twist. Key colours are the same, that's why I'll never understand these net-a-porter women with more money than sense who throw everything out just to keep up with what Vogue say is on trend. Most accessories and shoes are timeless and can be used over and over cos guaranteed a style or colour will be in season again within 2 years or so.
I love clothes and fashion and shoes and Vogue and all that gubbins But it's so easy to utilise something you already have in the wardrobe if you want to keep in trend. I do think some people go completely OTT with it but that's their choice I suppose. What's great now though is where more designers are now working with chains it makes their stuff even more accessible at a reasonable price, while still getting the quality. Debenhams are fab for that sort of thing.

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