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I agree EE is a load of cack, too much inconsistancy, and implausible storylines for me..Example- Phil became a "Crackhead" for all of two weeks.. but Jessie Wallace is a good actress(Can't stand the Kat character too OTT for me she reminds me of the the woman who used to play Angie Watts) She was good as Elsie Tanner in the Road to Coronation Street, and she was also good as Music Hall star Marie Lloyd. Shane Ritchie is good as Alfie, but I am not sure if it's a good idea bringing thier characters back. The best actress on EE by a country mile is Patsy Palmer, she is so underated as Bianca, she deserves more credit, and it was genius bringing her back.
Senora Reyes
Reference: Darlo
Have to get my daily dose of Carla.
Lol Darlo, as I'm sure you're a red blooded male I'm not surprised  she's certainly a beautiful woman  

I read elsewhere that Corrie had over 9 million viewers recently so don't think they're disappearing from the ratings any time soon, good  Oh and any Corrie fans here who've noticed what a good actress Natasha is...I mean the character of Natasha, I never take much notice of actors real names
Yellow Rose
Reference: Stonks
I watch them both. I like the humour in Corrie which EE doesn't have

Yes EE is very depressing, I remember the first one, very dark and it has'nt changed since....
Stonks some storylines have been very uncomfortable to watch over the years, but then there's the view that it touches on real life and what happens to some in life and I get that. Some stories I've personally related to and have been tearful at the memory. and for others maybe other storylines have affected them. Personally I don't need reminders but if they help someone so be it. One thing I disagree with is the violence EE has had so many times, especially at the hour it's shown
Yellow Rose
Oh and any Corrie fans here who've noticed what a good actress Natasha is...I mean the character of Natasha, I never take much notice of actors real names
Oh yes Rachel Leskovac, she was fab in Holby City as the serial killer nurse Kelly Yorke.

EE has actually been more funny the last couple of weeks, loving the work of scriptwriter Daran Little who used to work on Corrie.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Oh and any Corrie fans here who've noticed what a good actress Natasha is...I mean the character of Natasha, I never take much notice of actors real names

Oh yes Rachel Leskovac, she was fab in Holby City as the serial killer nurse Kelly Yorke. EE has actually been more funny the last couple of weeks, loving the work of scriptwriter Daran Little who used to work on Corrie.
I've never seen her before Darlo. For many months Natasha was almost in the background as a dizzy hairdresser but for a while now since the scriptwriters developing storyline for her we've had a chance to see how good she is, impressed  

I'd wondered recently if EE had hired a scriptwriter for more humerous lines as the dialogue between Max and Darryl has been quite funny lol. So, did EE pinch one of Corrie's writers to induce some humour at last lol.
Yellow Rose
The only problem I have with Natasha is, I think Natasha (Rachel Leshcovik) looks too old too be playing someone in their early 20s. She's clearly over 30, or if she's not,she's lived a very hard life.
Until you mentioned it I've never thought about what age she's supposed to be in Corrie, or what age she really is. No idea what the role age of Nick is either but I don't think she looks out of his age range.
Yellow Rose
Stonks some storylines have been very uncomfortable to watch over the years, but then there's the view that it touches on real life and what happens to some in life and I get that. Some stories I've personally related to and have been tearful at the memory. and for others maybe other storylines have affected them. Personally I don't need reminders but if they help someone so be it. One thing I disagree with is the violence EE has had so many times, especially at the hour it's shown
First ever storyline to effect me was the miscarage in1989 cos I'd just gone through it and I was very new to soaps, when Kathy lost her baby I could'nt watch it....
Until you mentioned it I've never thought about what age she's supposed to be in Corrie, or what age she really is. No idea what the role of Nick is either but I don't think she looks out of his age range.
He looks nearly 40 (supposed to be early 30s) and It's all a bit unlikely. Out of that scenario, only David and Tina look their cast ages. Nick and Natasha look well, over 30-plus. And in her case, 35 at least.
EE is rubbish terrible OTT storylines and bad actors having said that I do watch it now and again to see if there is any improvement I keep saying to myself they win the soap award every year is it just me that does not like it,I like Shane Richie who plays Alfie but cant abide Kat and her screaming screeching voice, I dont think I will even bother watching it now and again with even more OTT acting/storylines  now they are back give me Coronation Street anyday
Oh and who told these people they could act???? and don't get me started on Peggy and Pat..
Thank the Lord Peggy has gone...very over-rated as an Actress (she can't act) and as a National Treasure

As for Zoe Lucker playing ermmmm....Zoe Lucker....what is the point of her, she's a rubbish Actress as well..?????

I can't stand the fella who plays Nick Tyldley in Corrie, another crap Actor, he was crap in Footballer Wives.....but, by far the worst Actress on TV has to be Holly out of Emmerdale....every line she delivers is unconvincing and sounds wrong.....putting me of watching now she's back on screen the hell did she get cast...?????
The Devil In Diamante
ut, by far the worst Actress on TV has to be Holly out of Emmerdale....every line she delivers is unconvincing and sounds wrong...

Nick Tilsley is another one who has that kind of 'straining for a poo' expression. I think overall, Corrie have better actors than Eastenders, although Emmerdale have some good actors too. (I love Paddy and Aaron in particular). And did ya ner that the woman who works in the vets with Paddy (Marlon's GF) is Cain Dingle's wife in RL? But it's the old school actors who are the best. Ken Barlow, Deirdre turtle neck, Rita, Norris, Paaat Evans, Carol Jackson, Bianca, Dot...etc.
Not in the same league as Dev mind. However the bloke who plays Nick is far and away the butt ugliest on the tellybox, and for that Corrie should be proud.
Yes, he is ugly isn't for Dev, how he's managed to steal a living is beyond me......

And did ya ner that the woman who works in the vets with Paddy (Marlon's GF) is Cain Dingle's wife in RL? But it's the old school actors who are the best. Ken Barlow, Deirdre turtle neck, Rita, Norris, Paaat Evans, Carol Jackson, Bianca, Dot...etc.
I never knew that Karma...lucky her, he's sexy in a bad boy way!!!

I always think Sue Cleaver is underrated (Eileen Grimshaw) I like her and she hardly ever gets a mention. I like Dot Cotton in EE but I loathe the Woman in RL. When I've seen her interviewed I just don't like her, she's up her own arse!!!

I read an interview with that Holly girl, gawd, she actually believes she can act which makes her even worse, which beggars belief...another one who believes her own hype.... 

...overall, Emmerdale is the one I can stomach most (Holly aside)...I do think the fella who plays Aaron is a brilliant Actor, and very easy on the eye...
The Devil In Diamante

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