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I like using the "Original Source" range of products - made by Cussons and not tested on animals.
But for weeks now - no, months even - I have been unable to find any on the shelves.
Instead they seem to display nothing but Shower Gel.
Don't people use baths any more.
I saw a phone number on a bottole and rang the helpline.
A friendly woman said that Bath Foam is still made made. She also told me that the product is different from Shower Gel (a point I queried with her.)
So why do so many stores decide to stop selling Bath Foam and only provide Shower Gel.
I do not have a shower.

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Now Imperial Leather, don't get me started on Imperial Leather
I bought Imperial Leather by accident about 6 months ago (wasn't paying proper attention to what I was picking up - story of my life ) but it's 70's cacky shite. I can't even use it to wash my hands cos they end up looking like Freddie Kruger's mitts. Dove all the way baby!

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