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I was talking to someone a while back who got caught short in a club whilst absolutely battered. Unfortunately there was a queue for the cubicles - what were they up to? - however he was desperate so when a space opened at the urinals he just dropped his kecks, reversed in and went for it, right between a couple of startled onlookers who were using the sanitary wear for it's more conventional use. He then turned around to have a slash but in his addled state had done up his trousers so wet himself rather spectacularly. I should add, he also vomited down his front at this point. Dunno whether he was trying to play Cinds' wee the log around the bog game but an excellent effort I think we can all agree.
OMG!! It's a good job I've had a wee!
I was talking to someone a while back who got caught short in a club whilst absolutely battered. Unfortunately there was a queue for the cubicles - what were they up to? - however he was desperate so when a space opened at the urinals he just dropped his kecks, reversed in and went for it, right between a couple of startled onlookers who were using the sanitary wear for it's more conventional use. He then turned around to have a slash but in his addled state had done up his trousers so wet himself rather spectacularly. I should add, he also vomited down his front at this point.
And people give me funny looks when I say I don't drink!

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