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I don't do confessions any more. lol, I was schooled in a Convent and being a good girl I went to Confession every Saturday. One week, before I went I couldn't really think of anything to confess about, however when the time came I mentioned something re another girl in my class, which the Priest totally and completely misunderstood what I said, I probably explained it wrongly lol, anyway he gave me 10 Hail Mary's to say before I left which was like the worst punishment to be given, it haunted me for years lol
Yellow Rose
I joined channel 4 after watching BB one night. I can't remember the year but it was the one Nikki was in, she made me so fucking angry and at the end of the show the voice over guy said some shit about having yer say on the forum so after about 27376542216 attempts at an ID I finally got accepted as notanikkifan I mailed CH4 and asked them to change it when I stayed on the forums when BB finished. 

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