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What makes me laugh is when they do the boarding call and those who have paid their extra 10 quid to have first baggsy on seats swan up like they're in first class
I thought about doing that, but thought if you went onto a bus to get to the plane then you'd just get boarded onto the bus first? Thats what happened once when they made us get in a bus, A and B boarded the first bus and it was a free for all when the doors opened
I don't fly for various reasons, but have been all over Europe by train...and it has always been a pleasant experience once you leave these shores.
What I don't like about buses in the London area, is that since they have given teenagers free bus travel, they use the buses as a youth club, 'commuting' around between towns and causing havoc.
As for commuter better than cattle trucks, but the new Overland service seems fine, if not as frequent.
I used the priority boarding thing once and I felt like such a tit going up first to board that I didn't do it the second time
I get the kids to dash ahead and grab some seats while I follow along regally at my own pace. 

Saz - the only problem pushing ahead of the chavvy holiday shoppers is that I'm only one stop along and have to climb over them to get off. 
The worst trip was this summer when I coincided with the Barry Island train - it was chock full of beach goers in varied shades of pink and puce heading home to Splott and Ely. The train stank of Factor 15 and BO.

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