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Former Member
So a day after BB finishes I have been round at my old house getting it ready for photographs for the estate agent to take to put it on the market.

Anyway he took the photos and we were chatting about this that and the other and I happened to mention that I was going to have an enormous glass of wine when I got home. He was then telling me that he had a bit of a late night drinking session as well with some mates who had returned from travelling.
I then mentioned that I had been up till stupid O clock watching the last BB ( I also said that I would understand if he thought I was sad...

His face lit up and he said that he had been to 3 live evictions. had been on BBLB and had sky plussed last night due to his drunken state.

We then had a very nice ten mins discussing BB and all things BB.

lets hope it inspires him  to sell my place quicker.

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I very rarely talk of my addiction. All too often it's met with derision .........................I think people actually pretend to hate it. Me .......i just avoid bringing it up in conversation's a bit of a guilty secret! As for being a member on a BB forum I think it's only very close family that know.
Go on tell the world.  It's over now (as far as we know anyway).
cologne 1
I very rarely talk of my addiction. All too often it's met with derision .........................I think people actually pretend to hate it. Me .......i just avoid bringing it up in conversation's a bit of a guilty secret! As for being a member on a BB forum  I think it's only very close family that know.
Same here Sooz but do you know what - as I get older I just don't care anymore..

My stock answer is .... people watch soaps, some of them are pretty awful. I like reality TV so suck it up
Lordy I have met with so much abuse for watching BB - even during my summer holiday my father ranted about me watching it and how those that do must be terminally stupid. I told him I felt the same way about the Daily Express which he buys, the Antiques Roadshow and that quiz show with Ann Thingy my parents watch avidly every day.  

In the office one of the secretaries who fancies herself somewhat as an all round gourmand and culture vulture shakes her head and tells me she doesn't understand how someone so smart could lower herself to watch BB. Then she witters on about Corrie, Four Weddings (NOT the film as I found out last week) and The Mistresses (??).

Each to their own - I don't slag off her viewing choices and don't understand why she feels she can comment on mine. 

The fact is she probably dislikes BB for the same reasons I do. I adored the early years and loathed the media wannabe element that crept in from BB5 on, But I still kept watching - although perhaps not as rigorously as before. All she knows is the stuff she's read about in the celebrity magazines she reads and which I don't. All I'm bothered with is what the HM do in the house. Once they're gone they're gone as far as I'm concerned.
Lordy I have met with so much abuse for watching BB - even during my summer holiday my father ranted about me watching it and how those that do must be terminally stupid. I told him I felt the same way about the Daily Express which he buys, the Antiques Roadshow and that quiz show with Ann Thingy my parents watch avidly every day.   In the office one of the secretaries who fancies herself somewhat as an all round gourmand and culture vulture shakes her head and tells me she doesn't understand how someone so smart could lower herself to watch BB. Then she witters on about Corrie, Four Weddings (NOT the film as I found out last week) and The Mistresses (??). Each to their own - I don't slag off her viewing choices and don't understand why she feels she can comment on mine.  The fact is she probably dislikes BB for the same reasons I do. I adored the early years and loathed the media wannabe element that crept in from BB5 on, But I still kept watching - although perhaps not as rigorously as before. All she knows is the stuff she's read about in the celebrity magazines she reads and which I don't. All I'm bothered with is what the HM do in the house. Once they're gone they're gone as far as I'm concerned.
Oh I know Cariad  there is a smug superiority about these people and yet they will watch every bit of pap avidly.
And the interesting thing is there are some very clever and well read people that watch BB - I know a lot of tweenies watch it but it has a die hard core of fans from all walks of life.
nce they're gone they're gone as far as I'm concerned.

I'm with you on that. I watch the 12 or 13 weeks and love all the interaction. Then ...........they've done their job..............if they get something out of of good for them. I never buy the mags etc. When it's over it's over as far as I'm concerned.
Same here Sooz - when they are out of the house I don't give them another thought
Absolutely Isadora ... I was having a natter about it with my hairdresser today (she watches, sorry she used to watch it too - got to use the past tense now I guess   conscious of the rolling eyes from the bloke in the chair next to us.

In short, some of the smartest, most interesting, funniest people I have ever met either online or in RL have been staunch BB fans. And many of them are now friends of mine regardless of any BB link but I'd never have met with without BB.

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