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Reference: Isadora
to watch this last night with her means the world to me.
yeah...  my girl is watching it with me too.  She shouldn't be... she should be away at school (but is home cos she has glandular fever)...    am gutted she is ill...  but its right that she is here watching it tonight.

We have watched this together since she was 6!!!    

I am gutted its finishing.....  but am pleased with tonight viewing..  it has been a fitting tribute & send off!
Reference: hoochie
it's not about the end of the programme so much as the end of the forum ....BB brought everyone together and reinvigorated it with every new series ..... that won't happen now and the BB forum as we've known it won't continue ..... that's what makes me sad
Me too, the prog itself was a peg to hang a coat on for want of a better summat or other.

Baby Bunny
Its just the way its always been, some peeps only ever come in when BB is on.... so now they're not going to. I suppose if they only want to talk BB then there is no point to them in being here when its not on?

But I think there are only a handful of people who have only come back for BB and who haven't been around for the rest of the year.  One of the nice things about this forum is that it doesn't attract many trolls and is quieter and more intimate than Digitalspy.
I suppose it depends what affiliations people have with the programme as to how they feel about it. The positive for me is I'm grateful for the friends I have now that I have met through the forum who I have known for nearly 8 years and I still speak to them nearly every day, but I never came to BB cos of the programme anyway, I was dragged over by Cigs and Steps
Me too, the prog itself was a peg to hang a coat on for want of a better summat or other.
Nah Bunns ... I think people will still come because they enjoy the company and the banter. Obviously some people will drop off the radar, and that is sad ... but there will still be enough of us here to have a laugh and an enjoyable time

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