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Hi everyone, Ive been having a little thinky and I would like to clarify my earlier comment (which has managed to upset quite a few people it would seem!!) I have always been a big Big Brother fan, and have watched it since the first series, obviously appearing on the show last year changed my perspective somewhat - and i found out the hard way that things are not  always what they seem when it comes to what actually goes on and what the viewers are allowed to see.


Having said that, I have remained a fan of the programme and have had pretty mixed feelings about it coming to an end. I dont know when the last supper show is being aired tonight but the feelings i had while filmming that have changed slightly because of events that have happened SINCE filming, although I really didn't mean to out and out slate the programme in my previous comment.


Nadia's situation has really struck a chord with me and its brought back a lot of feelings about my experience last year.  I can only thank god, and my friends and family, that I WAS strong enough to cope with my "Villian" status, because if i hadn't have had the strenght and support, I could have quite easilly ended up in a similar situation to the one Nadia is now in. I dont think viewers can really imagine how awful it is to go through - and this idea that housemates are public property and its ok to judge, condemn and hate on a MAJOR, NNATIONAL level because of trivial events that happen in a very pressurised tv studio, is absolutely completely CRAZY. Somehow, THANKFULLY i managed to let most of the criticism completely pass me by, ive got on with my life as normal, made some worthwhile changes, done some growing up and been thankful for the experience as its made me a stronger person -  but i cant stop my heart going out to Nadia who is clearly a lot more fragile and vulnerable to public opinion......  Anyway, what i was really getting at is while individuals are being driven to attempted suicide because of the show (and indivuals who are DRIVEABLE to attempted suicide are being ALLOWED onto the show for the purpose of "entertainment") AND the public continue to fail to realise how much of an impact their MASS opinion/booing/blogging/ds posting etc. can have on a person, I have started question if BB coming to an end is really such a bad thing.


It IS the end of an era, and our summers will never be the same, of course theres a part of me that feels nostalgic, but with Nadia in hospital, and countless other people left very damaged as a result of the show, I can't get all weepy about it coming to an end, and did not feel it was appropriate to appear on BBLB/BBBM today, singing the shows praises and celebrating Davina's sucessful career while someone's life has been ruined because of it, and other people have found life extremely difficult following their appearance on the programme.


I WAS a bit harsh earlier, and a bit flippant with how I put my point accross, but while the fireworks go off tonight, and you're feeling sad that the shows over, I hope we can all also spare a moment for the people who have suffered and particularly Nadia who is suffering right now, at the hands of our favourite "lighthearted entertainmment" show xx

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she's something else, that girl. I thought she was a ghastly housemate. It is a shame for Nadia but I'm sure she made a suicide attempt a few years back and said BB had ruined her life. So the questions ar why did she go back in and surely why was she let back in? it's got nothing to do with BEa but Nadia's earlier suicide attempt was in the public arena BEFORE Bea went in the house. Bea has clearly still got a gripe about being a cow edited badly. My heart bleeds.
I hope we can all also spare a moment for the people who have suffered and particularly Nadia who is suffering right now, at the hands of our favourite "lighthearted entertainmment" show xx
She seems to have forgeten that, she and all the ones who we are meant spare a thought for actually jumped through hopes to get on BB.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
This was the original FB message... she got quite a bit of stick

oh and to all you bb nut (jobs).... i AM supposed to be attending tonights final BBLB or BBBM, or whatever it is.... but to be honest they weren't paying enough, I dont give a ninth of a F*** that the show is finishing.... i never liked Davina anyway, and now HMs are trying to kill themselves, horray for the final... hurrah.... you'll just have to watch eastenders instead
Oh wind yer neck in Bea, you always were a Little Miss High Horse Po Faced Prissy Pants and I was one of the few who supported you as a housemate!
Ello missus xxx  What has Bea actually been doing since the show anyway?
Ello missus xxx What has Bea actually been doing since the show anyway?
Hey Karms xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

No idea, I don't really take any notice of any of them once they've left the house but I imagine she's been inflicting her own particular brand of passive-aggressive misery on all she meets.
Stupid woman, some HMs should never be seen or heard of again....if she hated BB that much she shouldnt have taken all the freebies she got on the back of it!   Plus Nadia knew the score, its not like she hadnt been in before ....

Bea Hamill: would actually like less mail thanks - keep it necessary people x

Alison Lockley: Nothing worse than too many messages, specially when u are expecting an important one x

John Keogh: be grateful u even have fans

Bea Hamill: Im not "grateful" in the slightest John - Ive always said if people dont like me they can do one. If people DO like me then thats great, but i wont be losing 
any sleep over it, the moral whirlwind of BB10 is over, although there may still be a few lonely people on digital spy who would still be up for chatting about it xx 
Hello to everyone else! lots of love to you all! xx

Alison Russell: fuck off you ungrateful cow

Dan Cameron: ha ha alright Alison, Bea's best frienemy! Leave Bea alone, she's wicked!

Sharon Devine: Im going to delete you as your not very nice for god sake you were only a bb contestant not a superstar thought you would be fun like david n charlie but 
obviously your up your own arse!!!!!!!!!!! Get a life you horrible woman!!!!

Bea Hamill: absolutely hilarious! .....and you can probably see more of sharon and alison on DIGITAL SPY!! suck it tossers! (oh and alison.... Nice "tank top" and dummy....respect for bringing back a look we thought was condemned to the 90's chav, good work) x

Bea Hamill: ?......and no sharon, you're right, if i WAS nice id send you a proper personalised email telling you to fuck yourself, and i suspect it would make your day, 
as well as being the talk of whichever call center you work at xx
Excuse the .. ahem... language; but this recent exchange from Facebook is also worth a read!
Cold Sweat

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