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Former Member
After all, its been a sour, disappointing experience in recent years

The HMs I've loved best, have mostly been treated poorly. Whereas whichever HM the producers have chosen to give good PR to in a particular year, have won.

As a general rule of thumb, those who behave worst on the show, do best afterwards. This is true from Nasty Nick to Jade, to Grace, to Nikki, Charley, Rex etc etc. 

And this years two most successful HM's? Josie, who spent most of the series laying under a duvet. And John James - a horrible individual whose near - psychotic ranting and nastiness to women was glossed over.

And then theres Davina... seriously, do I even need to say?

I'm glad BB is gone. If it comes back, I hope its after a year or two's rest, and that it comes back very differently.  

*end of rant*

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Yes and No.

Yes because I got a bit bored with some aspects of the show. I pretty much hate the idea of bringing new people in right through the series. I much prefer seeing how the HM's interact as a group for X months.

I really like the tree (should have his own series).

I loved the psychologists. Probably my favourite BB spin off programme.

Happy to have my summers back.

I will miss the revised eye logo.

I am probably in the minority, but I really quite like Davina.

Of course I'll miss coming on here for a chat.

OP what have Rex, Grace and Charley done. I can't recall seeing or hearing anything of them since. Although that's a good thing given that I cannot stand any of them.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
I forgot to say, the best thing about BB has been this forum ( mostly us C4Forum refugees ). I would never have stuck with BB this long of it weren't for you lot
rosie ....totally agree with this - I suppose the reason I feel quite sad is more about how I think it will affect the forum rather than the loss of the programme itself ..... it made me so cross this year!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Reference:Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
OP what have Rex, Grace and Charley done. I can't recall seeing or hearing anything of them since. Although that's a good thing given that I cannot stand any of them.
Ok, case in point  - BB7 was supposedly the best BB as voted by C4 viewers. The two BB7 HMs to get a series out of it afterwards were  Nikki ( Princess Nikki ) and Grace [ the Circus thing on Sky 1, which luckily I don't get ]. 
I saw Charley on a fair few C4 things afterwards - 8 out of 10 etc. She was maybe not in the mainstream media, but was one of the select few Endemol favourites, that they pick for their shows afterwards,

Rex - ok maybe not so much. However he was the one BB9 HM picked for a task appearance on Ultimate BB, and as he's my second least favourite HM of all time, personally speaking one appearance is too much.
For me, BB lost its point when we lost the Ch4 forums. It only took a couple of nights into the following series to realise that what I enjoyed was the interaction with other viewers and the threads that took on a life of their own. (Does anyone here remember the Lady Garden Hygiene thread? I spent most of that evening crying with laughter.)

I've missed that fun and cameraderie.  I miss the BBGF threads and posters. But I won't miss BB.

Thanks and hugs to  any members of the old crew still around, from Blondie - FAKER, belly dance choreographer to the HMS Newmark and leader of the nekkid formation cartwheel-across-the-bowling-green team xxx

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