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WOOOOO! This morning We have officially passed the 400,000 fans mark in our Official Big Brother Facebook group. This is an amazing achievement that we are incredibly proud of so we just want to say a big thank you to each and every one of our fans, we love you all!

The show's not over quite yet though as there is still the small matter of crowning our Ultimate Big Brother winner later on tonight! 

400,000 Facebook Fans!
I'm gutted.    I'm sooooooooo looking forward to tonight - I'm making sure I leave work on the dot and get all settled down for 7.30 p.m.     I'll be watching and posting with everyone on the highlights thread and I know for sure I'll be going to bed all red eyed!    I really hope it's taken up by someone else and isn't changed too much.     It's strange but now we've got to this stage I don't even 'hate' all the ones I used to... hell I'd even be quite happy for Nikki if she won!  I've loved it, (even though I've moaned as much as anyone)  I've loved sharing it with most of you crazy lot, and I'll miss it.      Won't miss you guys though........ ..... I ain't going anywhere!
 Kaffy..... but sorry.... the Nikki bit is a step to far See you in the HL thread tonight
A very sad day indeed ..... but I've loved it dearly, and have some great memories .... I doubt summer / just after new year, will ever be quite the same again ... there will be a void .... but I've loved it to bits .... people could never quite understand my love for this programme, but on forums like this, it has been great to be amongst others who love it just as much as I do, if not, more

Farewell Big Brother .... thanks for the laughs ...  gone but never ever forgotten x x x
Chantelle has complained to Ulrika and Brian that Victor is on edge and she doesn't know why. The blonde stunner said that when she was in the toilet Victor knocked and she took a while to reply, at this point, Victor said: 'In your own time!' 

Ulrika said that he is probably just nervous about tonight and Brian told Chantelle that Victor probably just fancies her. 

Victor came into the Bedroom a few minutes later and Brian asked him if he was nervous. Victor replied: 'No i'm not nervous, I just want some electricity, I want excitement'.

Brian said to Victor that as the night went on the adrenaline would kick in, Vic agreed. 

Do you think the rapper/part time hitman is finding the final night too much? Will he ever admit he's nervous? Is he just sad to see Big Brother go?
Yes; it is sad.
It has given us so much pleasure and entertainment over the years.
However I do think it has been in terminal decline for 2 or 3 years, so I think they are wise to finish before it gets more desperate.
The original idea could not be maintained once "celebrity", "fame" and money became the main motivations.
But this doesn't detract from the many hours of enjoyment we have shared over the years.
It is sad to lose it.

at 11.50 tonight I shall be watching the wonderful "The History Boys". Life goes on.

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