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The bad boy Victor is turning out to be the 'dullest' HM ever with the constant analysis and trying to keep 'nasty' Nick on side.
Hmmm I kinda agree. Victor just seems to be a bit sycophantic where Nick's concerned and does seem to be trying a bit too hard. It's not very attractive to watch really.

Re Brian. I don't think being gay, straight or betwixt would make any difference to his personality. He's naturally quick-witted and his delivery is ace. I like him!
he is the UBB.

Good God have standards become so low?
The standards have been set by who bb have chosen to be part of this so called Ultimate bb which I think has been a damp squib personally, however just my opinion. Some people like hm's who create humour some like those who create drama. I don't mind the drama but overall remember what/who made me laugh
Yellow Rose
They were onto a winner early in the week Karma but it went nowhere.
I know what you mean. It was a breath of fresh air to have HM's back who would discuss each other in the way Victor and Nick did, especially in comparison to BB11 where it was all nicey nicey faux rubbish. But I can see the arrival of Vanessa stirring some tea cups. Well, I hope so!
Nadia: I'm such a lazy, fat bitch.
Brian: Don't be so hard on yourself... you're not lazy.
As Victor and Vanessa cut their wedding cake with housemates cheering on

"I give it six months"          

Chantelle to Brian"Do you want a cup of tea".
Oh my God your turning me boring ,I'll be out next.
Last edited by Former Member
Reference: Cologne
Preach on sister

God why?
Not sure why you're saying that about me Cologne as reading back you agreed with someone who said Brian isn't dull and is entertaining. I agree totally. My extra point was along the lines of who else do we have to choose from from bb's selection of hm's in this so called Ultimate bb, which to me bears no resemblance to what the word Ultimate means, but hey ho lol
Yellow Rose
while they all scream 'highly amusing gay Brian to win'.
yeah but lets be fair .... it isn't just any old gay who could win. Charlie tried and failed miserably & he  also had a sob story to sell (sorry, I know that sounds harsh .. but you get my drift)

Brian is exactly the same this time around as he was 8 or whatever it was, years ago. Ok it's not going to suit everyone, but I for one, love Brian It's got nothing to do with "finding camp men highly amusing", I just like Brian for the person he is

Brian to win
yeah but lets be fair .... it isn't just any old gay who could win. Charlie tried and failed miserably & he also had a sob story to sell (sorry, I know that sounds harsh .. but you get my drift) Brian is exactly the same this time around as he was 8 or whatever it was, years ago. Ok it's not going to suit everyone, but I for one, love Brian It's got nothing to do with "finding camp men highly amusing", I just like Brian for the person he is Brian to win
Totally agree

Brian is funny, quick witted and lovely - I have always liked him from BB2 till now and think for me he is MY UBB!

I think Victor might be in the running but it's hard to forget how he was in his BB...

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