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...when Glynn came out to dance with Brian on the HLs.  I didn't even like him

I think seeing the procession of past HMs has really started to make it sink in that this the end of an era - love them or hate them they've been so much a part of my summers for the last 10  years it's almost like they're family .... (the ones you only see at weddings).  I feel quite sad and nostalgic

i sort of resent the celebs going into this as they didn't do the long haul ....I'd much rather have seen ANY HM from a real series going in tonight .... and I'd rather see a celeb than Nadia or Makosi go

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i sort of resent the celebs going into this as they didn't do the long haul ....I'd much rather have seen ANY HM from a real series going in tonight .... and I'd rather see a celeb than Nadia or Makosi go
I feel the same way Hoochie. Every celeb feels like a waste of a UBB place.

CBB was always just something to keep us going till the real thing......
I think the celebs were still part of the whole BB story. All the memories came flooding back tonight for me too though .... that's why I don't think for one minute that this will be the last ever BB - it may have got stale over the past few years but there's still plenty of life left in it yet
I have a feeling that it just won't be the same .... while this forum is lovely it's missing something from C4... it just doesn't fizz because there isn't the channel to bring new people in, and the forum is really what makes BB for me.   Still  ..... if Channel 5 started a forum maybe Angry of Mayfair (I loved his posts) and his ilk might find his way back
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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