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If it makes you feel any better I do have a friend who slept with a guy who had been previously married for 15+ years who made a genuine mistake as to which orifice he was aiming for!
          Ok, *apologises for my behaviour tonight* I've just had a shit of a week workwise and am trying to forget about things untill Monday
*I swear not to take you thread over again* .....aww but you got to love them The fluffy wuffy's i mean.  I know i know i forgot where i was.. were you spying?
Ha Ha , like I gave a bugger about  the thread BUT ya gotta admit that onlookers might have thought  get a bloody room! .......Anyways dya think that Brian has the patience of a saint?Rofl 3d
THAT old chestnut!
No, truly, we have discussed this at length, he really, really did get them muddled....okay so you want convincing?  Imagine a stocky, muscular, good looking guy and about a years build up in a work environment, (not the easiest of situs!) several visits to romantic/ historical locations. pointing out the wildlife and the literary connections, him writing  and quoting poetry etc.etc.etc. Sooo on their first night of luuurve,did he put it in the wrong place, OH YES HE DID!

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