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Just seen some news but this time involving some puppies... probably even worse than the cat incident. Its hitting the papers already aswell. Only a matter of time before someone ends up dead to be honest.

The internet seems to have done its job again aswell... Tracked down the river name, then the country, the original youtube owners account, his name, his facebook, and the facebook of the person filming and the person throwing.

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people who are cruel to animals should be hung drawn and quatered, and no I aint kidding, saddistic barstewards, I really dont care if anyone thinks I am being over the top. Its a subject , I will admit, that bring out the worst in me.

Animals have hearts brains and can feel pain so if anyone wants to abuse one then we should do the same to them.

oh and p.s that goes for all those 'scientists' who use animals for research purposes also

[Lockes] Lockes online 3,598 Forum Posts Today at 7:18 PM Last Edited: people who are cruel to animals should be hung drawn and quatered, and no I aint kidding, saddistic barstewards, I really dont care if anyone thinks I am being over the top. Its a subject , I will admit, that bring out the worst in me. Animals have hearts brains and can feel pain so if anyone wants to abuse one then we should do the same to them. oh and p.s that goes for all those 'scientists' who use animals for reaerch purposes
I am neither liberal elite nor looney left but just think that no one should pick on anyone defenceless - whether that is animal or human
Well, quite. Would these people go to the depths of the woods and take on a giant growling bear or to the jungle and take on a tiger? Would they even take on another human who is bigger than them? I think not. As they say where I grew up - bunch of pussyoles!
Well Humans are warped,look what we have done to ourselves over centuries and still do.I was reading a report about what the various factions did to each in the recent war/tribal/rebellions in Africa,they  macheted the hands/arms off   of the folk that they thought supported the other side.This included children and babies.Genocide is still going on all over the world.Now I hate animal cruelty,but we are shielded here from such inhumane atrocities to our fellow man.So we vent over cruelty to animals.
Now I would rage against anyone hurting my rabbits etc,but  I  would be murderous over anyone hurting my family.
I really wish I could remember the name of  man/professor  and the show that was on TV over twenty years ago that stated that we(human beings) are collectively insane. He said that we have developed too rapidly,our base primate instincts are still there,despite our veneer of civilisation.I've watched the programmes about chimps in the wild.They hunt in gangs and prey on the weaker monkeys in the trees.They form troupes and will go on raids and kill their neighbours,and will turn on their own.Sounds very familiar,the difference is chimps don't have the means to destroy the planet.

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