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I was in the kitchen today and the house at the back of ours kicked a ball over it happens loads i always throw it back i've told them before to be careful as i have a baby and 2 small dogs and it frightens them 

Anyway 5 minutes after this with no knock on my door or anything the dad has jumped over the wall and is in my garden i was in shock and fuming

i went out and said could you knock my door next time and he just said sorry i'm still fuming and the more i think of it the more fuming i get my 7 year old niece was here last week for a few days and was always playing in the garden imagine if he'd have done it then she would have had a fright

my dogs never even barked they would stood there with their mouths open as well

my fella wants to go round and have a word what do you think its made me a bit nervous tonight on my own as he's at work the back door is usually open for the dogs to come in and out but i've locked it

what do you think? be honest am i being OTT i just feel unnerved at seeing a stranger in the garden

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NOOOOoooooooooo i dont think you are being OTT. In hindsight i bet you wish you had let rip at him, he wouldnt have done it again then.  Nothing you can do now, i wouldn't send your other half round, id just be prepared if it happens again.

If the ball comes over, grab it. If they come round to your door, take that opportunity to say, this isnt on, if it happens again, im keeping your ball. No smiles, no niceties.  And if the dad jumps over, let rip at him!

Id go spare if someone jumped into my garden.
Don't blame you for fuming about it, bit of a piss take if you ask me, although the guy probably thought it would be better to just jump over and get it instead of disturbing you. If it were me, and usually I got on ok with them, next time I saw him I'd probably apologise if I was a bit off, but that in hindsight he's lucky he didn't get a hammer in his skull and it's a good job you recognised him (that alone would make him think twice ) but also just say you'd rather he didn't do that even though you appreciate he was probably trying not to inconvenience you. You could also take the opportunity to mention that if the kids could take more care when they're playing it would be great.

I'd also consider buying a goat who'd eat the footballs and a rotty who'd eat the blokes knackers if he tried jumping the fence again

(Hope you're alright though x)
thanks for the advice  everyone its the house behind us so never met the bloke its a nice area its on another estate the kids have come round and knocked before it makes me wonder how many times hes jumped over  thats probably why the dogs never barked cause they know him by now  

   if it was kids i wouldn't have been so mad but their dad in his sunday best annoyed the @@@@ out of me
although the guy probably thought it would be better to just jump over and get it instead of disturbing you

That's my take on it as well Karma.  It all depends what that particular neighbour is like.  I would have no problem with mine in the same circumstances and we were constantly retrieving balls and the like when the kids were smaller.  
It all depends on whether you trust each other or not.
We used to have a problem with the kid two doors down. She was about 12 at the time and was always knocking her ball over into our garden from two houses away, a dozen times a day. For some reason, the neighbours in between us encouraged her to run all over their garden, maybe they just didn't want any aggro from her parents.

If I was in the garden, I used to chuck it back. But one day I caught her climbing over our rickety little fence (and treading on the plants next to it) to get her ball back, so I went out and told her not to.

She said sorry, but asked what if I was out? I told her in that case, she'd have to wait for it, because she had no right to go in other people's gardens. And maybe she should be more careful where she chucked her ball, in future.

I never caught her in my garden again, but not long after, we put a proper fence up that kept her out and also her sodding dog that was always leaping over for a crap..
I don't think he meant any harm and falling out with neighbours who for the majority of the time aren't a problem really isn't worth the hassle.If it happens again and you catch him in the act then by all means say please don't do it as it scares the dogs and the children. Trust me neighbour wars escalate very fast and can become very unpleasant.
I would politely ask him not to jump into your garden again but to knock the door for the ball to be returned.  However, be prepared for that to happen quite a bit the older these kids get.

I'm sorry but I don't think anyone has the right to just jump into someone else's garden   whether it is just to retrieve a ball!  There's little or no patience these days to wait for the ball to be thrown back.

I had a problem with my neighbour's kids always kicking the ball into my garden and knocking the door every 5 minutes.  I got so fed up of it, I used to ignore the door and pretend I could't hear them.  One day the daughter decided to take matters into her own hand and climbed over the fence between us (it's 6 foot with trellis on the top) and landed on my water butt.  The top of the butt gave way and she fell in and almost drowned.  Luckily I'd seen it and dragged her out (she's 12 but very underweight and undersized for her age).

The mother called the Police and blamed me for having a water butt in the garden   however, it was made clear to her that her daughter had trespassed.  I also got a ticking off for not giving the ball back immediately   <------ make special note of that.

I hate school holidays and weekends as I know that unless it's raining, I spend all day retrieving that bliddy ball out of my garden!
The mother called the Police and blamed me for having a water butt in the garden   however, it was made clear to her that her daughter had trespassed.  I also got a ticking off for not giving the ball back immediately   <------ make special note of that.
Crikey Pengles -  the world has gone mad

Shizzle - I'd wait and see atm ... maybe your 'word' has already done the job
I have a family next door and the young children chuck lots of stuff over the hedge (they love to get me chatting to them when I'm in my garden) but they are not allowed by their parents to knock on my door and they have to wait until they see me or I spot the items they have chucked over and chuck them back.
I have a back problem and sometimes it is annoying but I know that if I complained to the parents they would accept that the children would have to do without the items as it was their own fault.
But they take your natural light and suck the moisture out of your garden (and even your house foundations). A little holly hedge just stops folk climbing into your garden
My neighbours had Leylandii for years and when he finally moved the new neighbour cut them down. Which was great until it cam crashing in my garden taking out the fence and the shed.
(and even your house foundations).
I used to have 2 small conifers planted near the porch and I was told that the roots grow under the house and can disturb the foundations. I don't know anything about leylandii, but it looks like it's from the same family as conifer. I was told sunflowers are a bugger to rid of aswell.

I'm not into my gardening really but my best advice is avoid Russian Vine (mile a minute) like the plague. It will take over your house

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