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erm.... how DARE you question my gender Bolton - everyone here knows I am female - have I resorted to such tactics with you? I started the thread because I thought it was a good cause of debate/chat. I dont know whether you are man or woman and I havent accused you of anything. What you said to me was VERY low indeed - even by your standards
This exchange is rather interesting (at least to me, but of course, I have a vested interest)....

You seem to be very incensed at the suggestion that you might be trans; what makes you so offended?
(And, for that matter, it's curious that 'Bolton Fan' used that suggestion to upset you, as though it were something about which you would be ashamed.)

Whilst I'd be the first to admit that being trans is no picnic, and not something I'd wish on anyone, it's not something that any of us have any control over; it's a natural, if rare, occurrence, so I fail to see how the suggestion that someone has this unfortunate condition is an insult.
Care to comment?
I know this is an old topic now but just wanted to reply to Sarum's last post.  I never actually suggested that Barmy might be trans, she misread what I'd put and was most insulted by it.  I was actually trying to make a point that just because someone behaves in a certain way it doesn't mean their sexuality is in question.  From my own point of view I do not have any issue with anyone being whatever sexuality or gender they are and the whole reason Barmy and I clashed was because I couldn't understand why she seemed to have such a big issue with Nadia's gender.  I ended up being more annoyed that Barmy hadn't read my post properly or had completely misunderstood it than I was in the first place!  I think Monobrow's post above explains very simply what I was trying to put across!
Bolton Fan
and now for my reply to Sarum.... I dont not, never have had or ever will have a problem with trans-whatever, and for the record, if I was transgender I'd be more than happy to mention it.   At no point in this thread have I said its disgusting and people like that are disgusting etc etc.  I am no bigot.  I'm not going to start all over again.  My 'problem' with BF the other night was the 'personal' bit to me, which we have now resolved.
I dont not, never have had or ever will have a problem with trans-whatever, and for the record, if I was transgender I'd be more than happy to mention it. At no point in this thread have I said its disgusting and people like that are disgusting etc etc. I am no bigot. I'm not going to start all over again. My 'problem' with BF the other night was the 'personal' bit to me, which we have now resolved.
I don't think I ever suggested that you did.

As I said, it's the 'personal bit' that caught my attention; why were you so disproportionally  upset and insulted at the suggestion that you might be trans? Why did that particular comment cause you such outrage?
Surely,it's on a par with someone mistaking you for, say, a Welsh person, or a stockbroker; it's a mistake, but not an insult.

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