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Spidey she did go on to explain to Nadia...I don't know if you saw that bit, that the rant that John made about her religious beliefs, left her feeling questioning, and also she felt that all BB asked her on the show for, was for the pool incident, which she is embarrased about....I kind of got by end of the conversation she wasn't crying because she was bored.
Senora Reyes
I've got live feed, and I've never seen her once when I've turned it on .........Where is she ?

I had really high hopes for her in the early days of her BB year.......what a disappointment she turned into.

She's coming over as a bit of a desperado, and really fake.

People think Josie's fake........take a look at what Makosi has become......That's fake in the real sense.
I'm sure John isn't the first person she's met who has pointed out the blatent inconsistancies of Christianity.
I think she's just unsure of herself generally. Same with Josie, neither of them have anything of real value to say to anyone lol. That's okay when the house is full of idiots (normal BB) but can be intimidating when intelligent outspoken people arrive on the scene.
Yes Prom, it was curious that it took so little for her to question her faith. I'm sure John isn't the first person she's met who has pointed out the blatent inconsistancies of Christianity.
I do think however, if she does have any kind of belief system it should be respected, even if a person does not live by a set of beliefs or spirituality. I don't mind John, but he was very crass, rude and  overbearing, and totally disrespectful in his argument...If John had ranted like that at a Muslim, there would have been uproar...And somehow I doubt John would, he's not stupid.
Senora Reyes
Nadia was nice with her. The suit looked like those american workman suits they wear on building sites. She always used to pick her words even from back in the day
Thanks PC, I'm not a fan but I think she's gorgeous looking and she is extrememly well spoken. Couldn't bear her back in the day but loved her afro..prefer it to her hair now.
Reference: PCE
I think its the Jacuzzi incident, its been 5yrs and I believe she believed that BB will not talk about it again and was approached to appear on the show because she was a good housemate. I would be balling my eyes out too if I were her. She is probably embarrassed

It's kinda inevitable that it would be mentioned though really.  The VT served to remind us of who she was and what she did the last time we saw her.  Now, if she wants to be a completely different person from her VT then go for it.  But the VTs are for the viewers' benefit, not the housemates.
Reference: Senora
I do think however, if she does have any kind of belief system it should be respected, even if a person does not live by a set of beliefs or spirituality

She did start the conversation though, by saying someone is the second coming of Jesus.  I can't remember who she said, but that was basically what led to John's rant.
It's kinda inevitable that it would be mentioned though really. The VT served to remind us of who she was and what she did the last time we saw her. Now, if she wants to be a completely different person from her VT then go for it. But the VTs are for the viewers' benefit, not the housemates.
You are right but I think she probably wanted to start things on a new slate.
Yes, she started it.  Why do people who have a faith always do this and then sulk (or whatever) when challenged?
You mean like Monk Dave? He was particularly pathetic, backing down from Keeva who couldn't put an intelligent sentence together if her life depended on it. He didn't just let religion down at that moment, the whole of the male species sighed collectively.
when I get bored I phone mr stonks and say..I'm boredddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd..which worries him
TWICE.... just twice.... I have complained to Mr Ditty I am bored!    Ok..  so each session lasted 8 hours...  and we were in the confines of long haul cattle class flight..   but I don't think that is too bad in the "you are my husband... entertain me god dammit" stakes.

He still has a dig at me about it...  about what a nightmare I am to be with on a plane...

unfair I think!
Reference:  Prom
You mean like Monk Dave?

Exactly like Monk Dave.

Seriously though, religion and politics are a mine field and most people know that.
I can't believe anyone who associates with either doesn't know they'll be called to question over such things.

Reference: Ditty
"you are my husband... entertain me god dammit"

It's what husband's were invented for.
and also she felt that all BB asked her on the show for, was for the pool incident, which she is embarrased about....I kind of got by end of the conversation she wasn't crying because she was bored
She's not embarrassed about it IMO. In the garden yesterday some of the HMs asked her if she really did 'do the deed' with Anfonee...she didn't say yes or no, just rolled her eyes and smirked...the kind of look one gives when you want attention from a question.....she could've just said 'no' to set the record straight if she was that bothered.

Can't stand her and her acting and arrogance...
The Devil In Diamante
Like you and others here respected Dave's beliefs Senora?
DS not once have I disrespected what he chooses to believe in..My argument with him has always been that he is not what he seems, and combined with the youtube videos, his spiteful behaviour in the house, I would say he is very far what he preaches or professes to believe in. Totally different.
Senora Reyes

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