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Thinking about it, Chile would make a mint if they offered a ride in the capsule to tourists to the bottom of the mine and back up again. (If they made it safe enough which I know is incredibly highly impossibly unlikely but I still bet there'd be a few who'd wanna go down there).
OMG you wouldn't get me in that capsule and cave for all the toffee in the world!!! I'd FREAK out like a 3 year old at even the thought of having to go in there.

Having said that I do hope they make a film of it as I think it would be interesting to see the perspectives from the miners and the families and friends... As long as they keep it real. I mean Yonnie Barrios's situation of being the philandering miner has given the dramarama to the film lol
Having said that I do hope they make a film of it as I think it would be interesting to see the perspectives from the miners and the families and friends... As long as they keep it real
I would love to see it, and like you said, as long as they didn't sprinkle it with Hollywood fairy dust and have the likes of Steven Segal playing a role - he who fights 20 wars and ducks 1000 bullets but never has a hair out of place. Stupid twat he is
Manuel  Gonzales was the first rescuer to go down the mine.
He was also the last person to leave the mine.

In his interview, what a charming and modest man he is!

Here he is before descent and after ascent.

                    Before          and          After

Here is an extract from an article in the Telegraph:-

"Watching on television at their home some 500 miles away in Rancagua, Mr Gonzalez's family said they suspected he might be picked among the rescuers to go down to the miners.

But Loreta Alcota, his wife, said she had no idea he would be the first.

"He's a very chilled person, very systematic," she said. "He doesn't get stressed, he's not impulsive. I think it's those characteristics that you need to cope with the kind of conditions they found down there."

His son Cristian, 16, who is also fanatical about football, added: "He looked very calm to me but I got really scared, especially when I saw my mother crying.

"I calmed her down though and I knew he'd do everything right. My father has always been a hero to me but now I know he's even more of a hero than I imagined.""



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