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I'm on a roll now, and feel this thread is slightly overdue, but what the hay. (WARNING THIS IS A LONG ONE)

Cast your minds back to last year, specifically BB10, you remember that one? The one where the producers just didn't give a toss about the show or the housemates? Yeah I do too, wasn't it shit?  However there was one housemate that stood out from the rest, for me anyway, and that was the delectable Bea Hamill.

Remember Bea? She came in half-way through the series with a bunch of other 'newbies' and claimed to be a 'bohemian'. Well I liked her, I liked her a lot.

BB10 also had another housemate who was quite popular, his name was Freddie. At first I did like Freddie, but as the weeks went on I found him to be an over-bearing, over-acting, annoying rule breaking twonk.  When Bea entered she seemed to calm him down a bit. Freddie, apparently a hippie, had a lot in common with Bea. They liked the same festivals, music, food and drink.  It seemed like a perfect friendship.

Now Bea, along with the other newbies were set a secret task.  The task was for all the 'new' housemates to convince the original housemates to nominate Noirin and Freddie. Bea wasn't too keen on this task and when Kenneth told her to trick Freddie into breaking a rule, which would put him up for eviction, she point blank refused. She did not care that she would be facing eviction in her first week. Which I thought was quite admirable.

Now this is where things went a bit weird. Freddie, being slightly deluded, was convinced that Bea fancied him even possibly fallen in love with him. This worried Bea, as I'm sure it would worry anyone, as she didn't want to give Freddie the wrong impression. Unfortunately for her, the public had taken Freddie's side and was accusing Bea of using Freddie.

I didn't see this at all. I saw a woman, slightly concerned that she was making Freddie think things he shouldn't.

Over time Freddie started to annoy Bea and one night, whilst Freddie and Bea were sleeping next to each other, Freddie rolled over and said something like 'We would be so good together' and when she told him to 'shut up' and 'stop going on about it' Freddie couldn't handle it.

He started to rule break, along with Marcus and Siavash, causing the other housemates to be punished to the point where Bea had given up on her friendship with him. Next came the famous moment of her telling him that 'she doesn't like being around negative people, and to solve that problem she moves away from negative people'. This caused, the rather hilarious, over reaction from Freddie where he started 'rocking' on his bed....I mean really? Did he need to do that?

However, it wasn't just Freddie that Bea confronted. On numerous times she would stand up the vile Lisa. She stood up to Kenneth after he said his 'gangsta friends would sort her out' and stood up to Noirin about her despicable behaviour towards Siavash, even though Noirin and Bea were very good friends.

It all comes down to the fact that I thought she was honest and said what needed to be said. Freddie was getting far too big for his boots and she brought him down a peg or 2.  She hardly ever bitched about anyone and if she did would say it to their faces anyway.

I fully realise that I am in a very small minority, although The Bea Brigade did provide me and others with some great laughs   And I know people will stick by that she was a horrid person, but I just didn't ever see it.


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