Marguerita ** Mario to win ** Pot Kettle she was pretty vile with her treatment of Aisleyne and other HMS as far as getting special treatment she can talk, the public voted her out and BB put her back in again the public bood her when she left for a second time, she was one of BB Favourites she got special treatment in and out of the house hope they dont put her back in for a third time in UBB.
At risk of contributing to an old debate, I totally agree, it is pot calling kettle black. No other housemate has had the rules bent and broken on their behalf more than Nikki Grahame.
Nikki's forgotten all the hatred directed at Aisleyne and how the ex-housemates were put in a house and encouraged spit bile and "take out the Trash" in one of the worst examples of group targeting and bullying entirely encouraged by the program makers, which in my view even exceeded that directed towards Shilpa Shetti.
The little girl still doesn't 'know herself'.