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Do you like the mind-bogglingly dull house now all the characters have gone? Would you prefer John James to stay in for a good argument? Did you like Sam's wackiness and great one-liners? Do you like Dave's weirdness? Does Mario's sometimes interesting observations make up for the fact he's actually quite dull? Did you like Corin's happy go lucky nature even if she often repeated herself?

What entertains you? Please, no arguing in this thread even if people applaud HM's you hate, I'm just curious as to what people find entertaining since that word is bandied around the whole time BB is on.

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Someone who makes me laugh and who is genuine. Genuine is a tricky one, they can all be them fake selves or they can be really really themselves.  The same sort of themselves that would answer the same way if their mum asked if they wanted a cup of tea or their opinion on their opinion on the government. 

so for me the only good housemates this year was
and lastly

scarily i did consider John James then so hes got to have some good about him :half a kiss:
And I know you don't see it, but that's why I like Josie too

Nope. Aisleyne stood up to the plate while the aggro was happening. Josie sits back, smirks, and then calls JJ1 to task later.
Wonder what Josie would have done if she'd seen Susie get drenched? Shouted up at at the time, as Aisleyne did, and taken Mikey D calling her a 'slag' and still stood up to him? I don't think so... Probably would have retired to her duvet.
although John James is clearly mental, he did keep show ticking along.  He's definitely a good housemate but I really couldn't stand him.  My favourite housemate was Sam Pepper this year and Corin had many moments although as the OP says, repetition of her verbal ticks was annoying.  Apart from 'The Baron' and Mario, the four who left were all more entertaining than the three who stayed. 

I haven't watched much since but I fear that it will be the Josie show from no on with Queen Josie holding court endlessly droning on about JJ and endlessly seeking reassurance mainly from her sexually frustrated pet sycophant, Andrew.
I don't generally find those hm's that are handed sacred victim status by the forum to be particularly entertaining and these include; Nadia, Aisleyne, Freddy and Sunshine. In fact, i find the perception of hm's who are never in the wrong about anything, ever, to be irritating beyond belief! 

This ultra-sarcastic post relating to Ben from earlier in the summer remains one of my favourites from BB11:

Yes, no malice at all. None at all. He spends the entire day praising the good qualities of his fellow HMs in a completely nonjudgmental way. What a divine, innocent and oppressed creature he is. Such a victim of evil. We must rally behind this force of good and defend him. He is the modern day Jesus Christ. 

Give me Jon Tickle, Jason, Science or Grace any day!
Cold Sweat
Yes, no malice at all. None at all. He spends the entire day praising the good qualities of his fellow HMs in a completely nonjudgmental way. What a divine, innocent and oppressed creature he is. Such a victim of evil. We must rally behind this force of good and defend him. He is the modern day Jesus Christ.
As this sarcastic comment relates to Ben who I thought was the most interesting HM this year I suppose its worth pointing out the rapturous reception he received from all his former HM's when he made a brief return visit.  They were as pleased to see him again as I was (and many others) and he seems to have a lot of affection for all of them, including the ones who stabbed him in the back.
As an 'old school' BB watcher, I believe like the majority of the old audience, that nastiness shouldn't prosper and generally it didn't until this year! I like Hms who are friendly, upbeat , but not scared to take on an idiot HM when called for. A minimum of bitching is good too, or if your going to be bitchy at least be funny with it!  Really giving your all in tasks is a plus as is doing a bit of housework now and then. It may not be entertaining, but it shows that you are prepared to pull your weight in a shared house!

That said, the BB house always needs a good mix of characters, baddies to boo and lovely Hms to cheer!
That said, the BB house always needs a good mix of characters, baddies to boo and lovely Hms to cheer!
that's it in a nutshell. It's not really all about individuals - it's all in the mix and how they react/relate.

I hadn't really made my mind up re John James until .............he had that face to face with Rachel ...........yes I know the majority were offended by it but TBH - I was offended by her sneering at everyone and walking round in her drawers like she was Gods gift.
Soozy Woo

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